Monthly Archives: October 2024

September Writing Update

This should have been posted two weeks ago, but I’ve been busy with work and trying to sellĀ  a house.

I entered September only a day behind on the year for the 2024 words per day in 2024 challenge.

Then classes started.

I have seven straight hours of class and labs on Monday, and seven and a half on Tuesday. I get out at eight on Monday. Tuesday, I get out oat five after nine. That’s assuming the students take the entire lab period ot finish. Until this week, they have.

then I have an nhour and a half drive home. I could make it a little quicker than that, but I go home a different way after dark. The way I come in to work after leaving the post office is too narrow. No shoulder, drop-offs, and too many deer and feral hogs. I prefer not to take a chance on large animals in the road when I have no where to go.

So my class schedule has cut into my writing now that we are in the swing of things.

I finished September with 50,617 words. That’s an average of 1687 words per day.

That’s my worst month yet.

I’m going to have to step things up for the rest of theh year if I’m going to win this challenge.

Of course, even if I don’t, I will have had my most productive year ever. In other words, I will have failed to success.

I finished two short stories and a novella in September. Plus I made progress on what is turningout to be a novel. It’s the current work in pprogress. I have two more short stories that I’ll have to write this month, as well as my zine for REHUPA.

Even if I don’t meet the challenge, the year will have turned out to be a success.