Monthly Archives: January 2025

Ramsey Campbell

I don’t normally do birthday posts for writers who are still living, but I do make the occasional exception. Ramsey Campbell (b. 1946) is eighty years old today (January 4).

Happy birthday, sir!

He began writing at an early age and was published while still in his teens. He’s been going for over six decades and shows no signs of stopping.

Ramsey is his middle name. His first name is John, but back in the 1960s, there was already a John Campell. I think going witht he middle name worked out well for him, don’t you?

He writes at all lenghts, from short stories to novels. He’s British, so not all of his work is available in the US, but some is.

So, Happy Birthday, Mr. Campbell. May you continue to write for many more years to come.

2024 Writing Update

Back in January I started a challenge to write an average of 2024 words a day in 2024. On September 1, I was one day behind where I needed to be for the year.

But then I got full-time employment back in academia while still working at the post office. Mondays and Tuesdays were long days with little time to write unless I had down time while at the post office. Some days I did, and some days I didn’t.

I didn’t meet the goal, which would have been 738,760 words by December 31. I ended the year with a total of  678,104 words, which is an avderage of 1853 words per day.

That’s called failing to success. It’s a win. I got a lot more written this year than I ever have or would have if I hadn’t done this challenge.

I haven’t calculated how many stories/novellettes/novellas/novels that is. I’ll do that over the weekend. I have to get my spreadsheets organized. I’ll report here if anyone is interested.

I’m not going to do the 2025 words per day in 2025. I am going to do  a challenge and set some writing goals. But given how the last few months have gone, I need to restore balance to the Force.  Or at least my life.

I’m hoping there will be some times in the coming year when I can ramp up my word count. We’ll see.

I need to submit or publish some of these stories. Some are  under submission. I also would like to be able to read more. I’ve not read much unless it was for a writing workship. And I will be doing more of those.

I will say that I had a great deal of fun. I took some workshops on genres I don’t normally read and haven’t written in.  And that’s the key to getting so many words written.

Have fun.

I intend to continue having fun in the next year.

Tolkien on Audio

Today, as I write this, it’s January 3, which means it’s the birthday of J. R. R. Tolkien (1892-1973). I  doubt I could say anything I haven’t said before. I’ve not read any Tolkien in a while, so that well has run a little dry.

But The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion are available in audiobook format. Given that I’m going to be spending a great deal of time in the car over the next few months, listening to them on audiobook would be a good way to pass the time. I’ve already downloaded The Silmarillion.

I’ve read The Lord of the Rings more than once. I’ve not read The Silmarillion yet.

I do think Tolkien is one of the greatest writers the English language has produced. He was from an earlier time, when pacing in stories was different. It was slower, and if the author did his or her job, more immersive than a lot of what is published today.

And there are times I want/need that kind of book.

I’m in the mood for the grand sweep of history, so I’m looking forwards to listening to The Simarillion, starting next week.  And shortly, I’ll be raising a glass in professor Tolkien’s memory.

Happy New Year, Plus Quinn and Manning

Happy New Year, everyone.

It’s evening as I write this, and if you’ve watched the news today, you know it hasn’t started off well.

But I want to keep things positive and upbeat. So, I’ll wish each of you a Happy New Year.

I’ll give an end fo the year wrap-up on my writing progress tomorrow or the next day, plus lay out some goals for the year.

But since there are some birthdays today, I’ll look at a couple. Continue reading