Bram Stoker

One of the people who has cast the longest shadow over the genre of the dark fantastic is Bram Stoker (1847-1912). Today, November 8, is his birthday. He wrote this novel about a vampire, see, and it made a big splash. He also wrote soem short fiction and a handful of other novels.

But it’s Dracula he’s known for. Dracula the character has become such a cornerstone of popular culture that if Stoker had never written anything else, he wouls still be remembered. Writers of vampire lore are to Dracula what epic fantasy writers are to The Lord of the Rings. They tend to imiitate or be as different as possible.

It’s hard to overstate the impact Dracula has had on popular culture. I’m not even going to try and find out how many movies have been made where he is either  the central character or one of the other major players. And let’s not even get into comics or books.

It’s getting later in the year. The nights are coming sooner. The leaves are falling. Perhaps that’s them making the scittering sound as they blow along the sidewalk.

Or maybe not.

Perhaps its something else.

If you hear a tapping on  the window pane, feel free to check it out. It might only be that branch you forgot to trim the last time you did yard work.

Or it could be someone wanting in.

It if is, don’t open the window.


R. A. Lafferty

Among the short fiction writers of the Twentieth Century, there were  few like R. A. Lafferty (1914-2002). He was born on this day, November 7. Centipede Press has been reprinting his collected short fiction. It’s been a while since I read his work, so there aren’t any stories that come to mind.

I read his Hugo Award winning novel Past Master when I was in (I think) the ninth grade. I enjoyed it at the time. I’m not sure I was old enough for it. Not that it had anything that would be considered adult content. It didn’t. But it concerns Thomas Moore, about whom I knew little. I would probably have a different opinion of the book today because I would understand a lot of the subtext that I missed as a teenager.

Like Avram Davidson and to a lesser degree Robert Sheckley, his reputation rests on his short fiction. He had a unique vision. I’m hoping I can take some time when the semester is over and do some reading. Lafferty will be on the list.

Merritt’s The Ship of Ishtar: A Guest Post by John Bullard

The Ship of Ishtar: 100 Years of a An Influential Fantasy Masterpiece

A Guest Post by John Bullard, with assistance from Deuce Richardson.

If you have never read, or heard of A. Merritt’s The Ship of Ishtar, then you are in luck. On the centennial anniversary of its first publication, November 8, a new, definitive printing of it by DMR books will be available to buy in paperback or digital form (Centennial Edition of A. Merritt’s Ship of Ishtar Coming in November — DMR Books ).

Merritt was one of the founding fathers in America during the 1910’s and 20’s of fantasy literature. He was incredibly popular and successful, so much so that after his death, a pulp magazine was named after him: A. Merritt’s Fantasy Magazine.

The Ship of Ishtar is considered to be Merritt’s greatest fantasy work. The story concerns the adventures of an American, John Kenton, who is a member of the Lost Generation after surviving World War I.

He funded the archaeological dig of Forsyth, an archaeologist friend of his doing an excavation in Iraq on Mesopotamian and Babylonian sites. Kenton was unable to go on the dig as America entered the War and he patriotically joined the army instead.

After being wounded and sent home, Kenton is aimless and restless until Forsyth sends him a block of stone from the dig to examine. As Kenton is  inspecting the stone, he strikes it with his hand in frustration, and breaks the stone open to reveal a magnificent ship model that appears to come alive before his eyes. Magically he is transported to the ship and becomes embroiled in the never-ending battle between the Sumerian deities, Ishtar and Nergal as embodied in the two forces occupying the ship.

The side of Ishtar is led by one of her priestesses, the beautiful Sharane, while Nergal’s group is commanded by his priest, Klaneth. The ship is divided in the middle with Ishtar’s bow side a brilliant white ivory and Nergal’s stern side a dark black. The amidship is a magical boundary which neither side can cross except when their two leaders see each other and can physically attack each other, being the only two that can make contact at that time.

The battle started when the high priests of Ishtar and Nergal, Zarpanit and Alusar, fell in love, in violation of their respective god’s wishes, and were condemned to live in a timeless, pocket universe on the ship with their assistant priests, Sharane and Klaneth, and some followers, on an endless voyage where whenever the two lovers saw each other on the ship, they would become possessed by Ishtar and Nergal and attack each other until the priests’ love for each other is replaced by sheer hatred and revulsion.

Zarpanit and Alusar eventually died, only to have their places taken over by Sharane and Klaneth. Kenton, not being a member of either religion, and a man from the modern world, has the ability to cross through the barrier on the ship, and each side tries to use him to win the battle.

Of course, Kenton falls madly in love with Sharane the moment he sees her, and only wants to help her. Merritt then sends Kenton on a path from a galley slave on the ship gaining allies, to a leader, in Kenton’s quest to end the war, with all the resulting violent fights in his hero’s journey to succeed and win the love of Sharane.

The Ship of Ishtar was a massive success and ruled the American Fantasy market for decades. Merritt had an enormous impact on many writers. H.P. Lovecraft, Clark Ashton Smith, E.E. “Doc” Smith, Edmond Hamilton, Leigh Brackett and Michael Moorcock were and are huge fans. Robert E. Howard also liked Merritt’s work, and one can see the probable inspiration and influence this book had on Howard’s famous Conan story, “The Queen of the Black Coast”.

So, if you’re interested in reading The Ship of Ishtar, please take a look at the DMR book’s forthcoming edition. As Dave Ritzlin says in his announcement, the book will have Merritt’s preferred version of the text, all of the illustrations Virgil Finlay did for the first two times the book was published in pulps, and other items from A. Merritt’s estate in it.

Abraham Merritt definitely needs to be re-examined by all lovers of fantasy if you haven’t read any of his stuff. So if you have never read The Ship of Ishtar, or it’s been years since you read it, get a copy of it at DMR books ( ) starting November 8th, and start enjoying a forgotten master’s work again.

Gordon R. Dickson

Today, November 1, is the birthday of Gordon R. Dickson (1923-2001). Dickson wrote both science fiction and fantasy. Sadly, his star, which was once prominent, has faded into near obscurity.

Dickson wrote adventure science ficetion, usually with military overtones. His best-known series was the Dorsai series. From what I can remember about them, these novels featured a future where humanity fractured into different groups. the Dorsai were the soldiers. Continue reading

Remembering Edmond Hamilton

Today, October 21, marks the birth of Edmond Hamilton (1904-1977). Hamilton isn’t well remembered outside of pulp aficionados, and we aren’t getting any younger, are we guys?

(I’m using the word “guys” in a gender neutral, nonsexist kind of way.)

Hamilton wrote for the pulps, beginning with “The Monster-God of Mamurth” in the August 1926 issue of Weird Tales. Much of Hamilton’s early fiction was published in Weird Tales. Continue reading

September Writing Update

This should have been posted two weeks ago, but I’ve been busy with work and trying to sell  a house.

I entered September only a day behind on the year for the 2024 words per day in 2024 challenge.

Then classes started.

I have seven straight hours of class and labs on Monday, and seven and a half on Tuesday. I get out at eight on Monday. Tuesday, I get out oat five after nine. That’s assuming the students take the entire lab period ot finish. Until this week, they have.

then I have an nhour and a half drive home. I could make it a little quicker than that, but I go home a different way after dark. The way I come in to work after leaving the post office is too narrow. No shoulder, drop-offs, and too many deer and feral hogs. I prefer not to take a chance on large animals in the road when I have no where to go.

So my class schedule has cut into my writing now that we are in the swing of things.

I finished September with 50,617 words. That’s an average of 1687 words per day.

That’s my worst month yet.

I’m going to have to step things up for the rest of theh year if I’m going to win this challenge.

Of course, even if I don’t, I will have had my most productive year ever. In other words, I will have failed to success.

I finished two short stories and a novella in September. Plus I made progress on what is turningout to be a novel. It’s the current work in pprogress. I have two more short stories that I’ll have to write this month, as well as my zine for REHUPA.

Even if I don’t meet the challenge, the year will have turned out to be a success.

Birkin, Wandrei, Brunner, and Drake: A Belated Birthday Post

Today is September 25, but this post is for birthdays on September 24. It’s a day late.

My schedule this fall is psot office in t he morning and university afternoons and evenings. I’ve got a lecture every afternoon. On Mondays and Tuesdays, I’ve got two labs back to back as soon as I get out of class. Mondays, i get out at eight. Tuesdays, at nine. Then an hour and fifteen minuted drive home. So as far as any writing in the afternoon or evening goes: It. Ain’t. Gonna. Happen.

But there were enought birthdays yesterday, that I wanted to address them anyway. Continue reading

Maybe It’s Not Dead After All: An Update on F&SF

I am glad to report that Fantasy & Science Fiction may not be dead after all. Locus Online is quoting publisher Gordan Van Gelder as saying, “Ongoing production problems have led us to skip the Spring issue and to switch to a quarterly schedule.” There is a link to the magazine’s page on Weightless Books, but there’s no quote from Van Gelder there.

I’m not sure where Gordan said this. Locus Online didn’t provide a source. Perhaps from an interview in an upcoming issue. He’s further quoted as saying that no subscribers will miss any issues.

This is good news. F&SF has been one of the mainstays of short fantasatic fiction for almost  three quarters of a century. I wish Gordan and the magazine all the best.

However, I have some thoughts.

First, to be nitpickiing,, because it’s been that kind of day, If they skipped the Spring issue, doesn’t that mean they’ve already gone to a quarterly schedule.  And by the way, does going to quarterly drop F&SF out of the professional market category, at least as far as SFWA and awards are concerned? (Not that I really care.)

Also, even though the temperature today was around ninety-four where I am, isn’t summemr over? What about fall?

Now, some more seriouis thoughts.

I’m glad subscriptions will be honored and no subscribers will miss any issues. I renewed my subscription for two years last spring. I should be good for a while.

The table of contents is posted on this issue’s page at Weightless Books. The only two names I recognize are Esther Friesner and Nina Kiriki Hoffman. Both are excellent writers. Their contributions are short stories. The remaining ten short stories and three novelettes are by people whose names I don’t recognize.

I’m all for publishing new authors. I’m not against publishing a wide array of writers from different backgrounds who might have unique voices. i get that.

But from a business perspective, in an industry in which margins are getting thinner and survival less of a certainty, shouldn’t there be more recognizable names on the cover, or at least on the table of contents?

I must admit I’ve been idsappointed in the issues I’ve managed to read in the last few years. I’m definitely going to try to read every story in this issue. I’m hoping to discover some new favorite authors (at least one). I’ll let you know what I think.

Writing Update for August and a Reprint Sale

Yeah, I know, it’s the middle of September. I’m a little late getting this up. I’m now a full time university faculty member, plus I still have my two part-time gigs, at least for a while.

I ended August with a total word count of 67,138 words, which comes out to an average of 2166 words per day. That was my best month so far this year.

I started off a bit ahead for September, since the first two days were a holiday weekend, but I’m a day behind now. That’s because I only hit a little over a thousand words per day this past week. Labs started was one of the main reasons. I have lab until eight or nine two nights a week, which means those days the word count probably won’t be but about a thousand or so.

We’ll see how the month ends. I’m going to have to fit in at least two thousand words somewhere else in the week.

The other news is that my story “When the Cows Come Home”, which appeared in Pulphouse a few months ago, has been reprinted. It’s available in An Afterlife of Really Creepy Stories edited by Dean Wesley Smith. It’s available at the Pulphouse Store. Just click the link.