Tag Archives: R. Chetwynd-Hayes

R. Chetwynd-Hayes

Horror writer R. Chetwynd-Hayes (1919-2001) was born today, May 30. This is the second birthday post I’ve done today. The other was Hal Clement. Clement wrote hard science fiction. Chetwynd-Hayes wrote horror.

I’ve not read much of his work, but the few short stories I’ve read, I’ve enjoyed. His work tended to focus on monsters and ghosts.

I’m good with that.

While I like other forms of horror, these types of stories are among the ones I prefer.

Chetwynd-Hayes was rather prolific at short lengths. At novel length, not so much. The ISFDB lists eleven novels. It lists twenty-four collections. I’m not going to count the number of individual short stories. There were a lot. Continue reading