Category Archives: James Gunn

James Gunn’s The Listeners

The post the other day about James Gunn motivated me to read some of his work. I started with The Listeners. I had a copy in my office at work that I had picked up at a Friends of the Library sale. I quite enjoyed it.

The premise is that a program is begun that listens for signals from another solar system. I thought the way the signals were confirmed to be from an intelligent species was extremely clever.

This isn’t an adventure novel. Rather it’s one that tries to extrapolate one possible way a listening program might play out. (The Listeners was written before SETI began.) It’s a patch-up novel of a series of novelettes that were published in the late 1960s and early 1970s. It deals with how the people working on the project would be affected by it and how society, religion, and politics are impacted once a signal from another star system is identified. Funding cuts, petty jealousies, and political agendas are present in all their ugliness. In spite of the fact that portions of this novel were written over half a century ago, the whole thing felt fresh and contemporary. Even if historical events and technology have made some of the details obsolete, The Listeners is very much a book that has something to say to us today.

This is a thoughtful, hopeful, and in some ways depressing book, especially the last section. But it’s a good book. It was interesting to see Gunn’s speculations about a listening program. It’s not long. You can read it in an evening or two. Check it out.

RIP, James Gunn

James Gunn

James Gunn (1923-2020) passed away on December 23 from congestive heart failure. I apologize for the lateness of this post. I was mostly offline over the Christmas holidays, and I didn’t see the news until recently.  Adrian Simmons wrote an excellent tribute over at Black Gate.

I had the privilege of meeting James Gunn twice. The first time was at a meeting of the Science Fiction Research Association. The meeting was held at UNT. This was the summer I transferred from UNT to UTD, and I was till living in Denton. Along with Gunn, Jack Williamson, Fred Pohl, and the de Camps (among others) were in attendance. (It was the only time I would meet Williamson and Pohl).

I had read Star Bridge, a collaboration between Williamson and Gunn a few years before and was eager to meet the authors. Continue reading

RIP, Frederik Pohl (November 26, 1919 – September 2, 2013)

Fred PohlOne of the last living links to the early days of science fiction has died. Frederik Pohl entered the hospital yesterday morning with respiratory distress and passed away yesterday afternoon.

Pohl started out as a fan and moved to become an editor, agent, and writer. His first editing job came when he was just 19, taking the helm at Astonishing Stories and Super Science Stories. He was also a founding member of the Futurians.  He served in World War II, and after the war briefly became a literary agent.

He collaborated with a number of writers throughout the decades, including Lester Del Rey (Preferred Risk as by Edson McCann), Jack Williamson (The Starchild Trilogy, Farthest Star, Wall Around a Star, Land’s End, The Singers of Time) and Arthur C. Clarke (The Last Theorem).  His most famous and successful collaborations were with fellow Futurian C. M. Kornbluth, beginning with the classic The Space Merchants, and including Search the Sky, Gladiator-at-Law and Wolfbane as well as a number of short stories.

Pohl edited Ballantine Books’ Star Science Fiction series in the 1950s, introducing the  concept of the original (nonthemed) anthology.  In the 1960s, he was the editor of Galaxy and If magazines.  During the 70s he was an editor at Bantam.Gateway

Like his collaborator Jack Williamson, Pohl continued to write novels almost until his death.  His most recent was All the Lives He Led (2011).  His Heechee saga is one of the landmarks of modern science fiction, especially the first volume, Gateway.

I had the privilege of meeting Pohl once in the summer of 1991, when the Science Fiction Research Association held a meeting on the campus of the University of North Texas.  Among those in attendance were Pohl, Jack Williamson, L. Sprague de Camp, and James Gunn.  Pohl was very friendly and chatted with me for a bit about what he was working on.  The books he signed for me at that event are among the most prized in my library.

I can’t help but feel like an era has ended.  I grew up reading science fiction by people like Pohl.  In fact, one of the first, if not the first, book I ever bought from the Science Fiction Book Club was The Best of Frederik Pohl.  I bought almost every SFBC edition of his work until I graduated high school.

platinum pohlHe will be missed.  As cliched as it sounds, we shall not see his like again.  Many of his novels are still in print, and his best short fiction was collected a few years ago in Platinum Pohl, which contains a number of stories written after The Best of Frederik Pohl was published.

Happy Birthday, James Gunn

James Edwin Gunn was born this day in 1923.  He’s still with us, and I  hope he will be for many years to come.  His best known works include The Listeners (1972), Starbridge (with Jack Williamson, 1955), The Immortals (1964), and Kampus (1977).  He edited the six volume historical anthology, The Road to Science Fiction (1977, 1979, 1982, 1998). This is one of the best overviews of the field.  Nearly every story in it is a classic.  Gunn was a Professor of English at the University of Kansas and is currently Professor Emeritus and director of The Center for the Study of Science Fiction.  This is the organization that gives out the John W. Campbell Memorial Award (which is not the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer) and the Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award at the Campbell Conference.  He was awarded a Grand Master Nebula by the Science Fiction Writers of America in 2007.

I only met him once, in 1989 if memory serves.  There was some sort of gathering at the UNT in which a number of science fiction authors were present.  I think it was a meeting of the Science Fiction Research Association.  Among the other attendees were Fred Pohl, Jack Williamson, L. Sprague and Catherine de Camp, James Frenkel, and Brad Denton.  I remember Gunn as being a quiet and pleasant man.

Happy birthday, Dr. Gunn, and many happy returns!