Tag Archives: F&SF

C. C. Finlay Named New Editor of F&SF

fsf-july-august-2014_med-2C. C. Finlay (who began his writing career under the name Charles Coleman Finlay) announced on his blog today that he is now the new editor of F&SF,  Gordon Van Gelder will continue in his role as publisher.  Gordon left a substantial inventory of stories.  There will be a period in which issues of the magazine will contain selections by both editors until the stories in the inventory are published.

Finlay guest edited two issues last year. The first was the July/August issue.  The second has yet to see print.  It’s the March/April issue, which is the next one out of the gate.  He was guest editing a third, when the position became permanent.  Which means I don’t have to rush to meet tomorrow’s deadline since there’s no way I’ll have something ready.

Adventures Fantastic would like to wish Mr. Finlay all the best.  I look forward to reading the stories he selects.

RIP, Lucius Shephard (1947-2014)

lucius shepardLucius Shephard passed away at the age of 66 on March 18, 2014.  Shephard began writing in the early 1980s.  Many of his early works near future science fiction set in a Central American war that resembled Viet Nam, something that was a real possibility at the time.  I remember reading some of his early stories in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction.  In recent years his movie reviews have graced the pages of that magazine.

Shephard wrote at all lengths, but in my opinion his strengths were at the novella length.  Over the course of his career he won the Nebula for “R&R”, the Hugo for “Barnacle Bill the Spacer”, and the Shirley Jackson Award for “Vacancy”.   I always found his style to be densely written, but his stories were worth the work they required.

The Best of Lucius ShepardShephard attended at least one Armadillocon in Austin in the early 00’s.  I had the privilege of meeting him.  He was very open and approachable, always willing to chat with fans.  I was disappointed that he didn’t attend some of the later Armadillocons.

The Best of Lucius Shephard is available in ebook format and contains many of his best known works.