Today, March 5, is the birthday of Henry S,. Whitehead (1882-1932}. Whitehead wrote for Weird Tales, and if he hadn’t died so young, I believe he would have attained a reputation, if not on par with Howard, Lovecraft, and Smith, at least only slightly less well-regarded. Whitehead lived much of his adult life in the Caribbean, and he drew on his first-hand knowledge of the iinhabitants of the region when writing his fiction. He was a popular writer in his day, and was highly regarded by Lovecraft. Unfortunately, he is almost forgotten today.
I reviewed one of his best tales, “Seven Turns in a Hangman’s Rope“, some years back. It remains one of my favorites.
Today I’m going to look at an audio edition of his story, “The Passing of a God”. I’m on the road today, and I listened to it earlier while I was driving. There are spoilers below the fold. Continue reading →