Monthly Archives: January 2016

Deep Time in Texas

Contrary to what some Texans think, Texas history actually goes back thousands of years before the Alamo.  Humans have lived in the Southwest for over ten thousand years, although the exact date of their arrival is subject to intense debate among archaeologists.

While there are a vast number of topics I could (and will) write about from historical times, I’ve always been interested in prehistory.  So from time to time, I’m going to be posting about topics involving the centuries before the coming of the Europeans. Don’t be surprised if these posts focus on the extinct megafauna from the Ice Age.

For this post, I want to look at the interaction between man and beast. Continue reading

Opening Salvo 2.0

So, if you’ve been paying attention, you’ll notice that I’ve not posted anything here in quite a long time.  (Never mind how long.  What are you trying to do, embarrass me?)

I’ve had too many irons in the fire is what it boils down to.  Between work, family, and other writing commitments, I’ve let this blog slide.  When I started it, I envisioned most of the posts having to do with historical sites I’d visited or events I’d attended that related to the history and culture of the Southwest in general and Texas in particluar.  I wanted to do something other than simply summarize what I’d read somewhere.

I still want to do that.  But right not there are too many constraints on my time (and money) do a lot of traveling.  So I’m going to try something different.  I’m going to write about whatever interests me that would fall under the general umbrella of Texas and the Southwest.  While the main focus will be on the history, there will be other posts dealing culture, cuisine, and life in general.  And yes, I’m going to talk about events that I’ve read about in books or online.  But I promise I won’t simply rehash stuff.  I’ll put my own spin on it.

My goal is to post at least once a month, and no, this post doesn’t count for January.  There’ll be another post soon.  If there’s something anyone would like me to wrtie about, please let me know, either in the comments or via email.  I don’t promise to about everything that’s suggested, or to do so in a timely manner, but I’ll do my best.