So when I put the link in for the review of “Nightfall” in the previous post, I realized the review wasn’t on this blog. It was over at Futures Past and Present, my sciencde fiction blog. That got me thinking, especially since I saw there had been a couple of comments awaiting approval. For months.
At one time I was writing four blogs. This one, which focused on fantasy and pulp and was the main blog, Futures Past and Present, which focused on science fiction, Gumshoes, Gats, and Gams, my mystery and crime blog. Then there was Dispatches From the Lone Star Front. The subject of that one was Texas history and culture.
That last one went dormant at the end of 2016. It was intended to be a more scholarly blog, requiring research beyond what a book blog would. I just didn’t have the time for it with a son entering high school.
The other two went dormant during COVID. My original intentions, now part of the Second Circle Bypass in Hell, was to post on each one at least once a month. Time contraints at the time made keeping three blogs going impractical. As long-time readers know, I didn’t do much with this blog the last couple of years.
But now my circumstances have changed. (Boy, have they ever). I’ve been reading a lot more mystery and thrillers. I’ve probably read more in those genres in the last few years than I have in fantasy.
When I revilatized this blog, I thought at the time that I would include science fiction in this one. And I have to a great extent if you consider the birthday posts.
So after I looked at Futures earlier today, I got to wondering, should I revive them. I feel bad that I didn’t check Futures more often and those comments went unapproved for so long.
Your thoughts: Should I try to bring back one or more of the other blogs, or should I just make this one more widespread?