My latest post of Black Gate on the Ballantine Adult Fantasy series is George MacDonald’s Lilith. This one is an allegory that has some really weird passages in it.
The book also had a major influence on C. S. Lewis. There’s some speculation that MacDonald’s use of mirrors to travel to other worlds may have influenced The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. And of course, MacDonald was friends with Lewis Carroll, so Alice may have influenced George.
I tried to read this as a kid. You can guess how well that went. I still feel like I need to read something by him for the Lewis connection.
I understand what you mean. I could see the influence on Lewis, particularly in the early chapters. Not so much in the later ones. I’m impressed you tried to read this as a kid. It’s definitely not a kid’s book.
My mother bought it at a Christian bookstore strictly because of a Lewis reference on the cover.
That makes sense.