Tag Archives: Douglas Hulick

Drothe (and Douglas Hulick) Are Back

Sworn-in-Steel-US-appvdSworn in Steel
Douglas Hulick
mass market ppb., 499 p., $7.99
ebook Kindle $4.59 B&N $7.99

If you’ve been reading this blog a while, you might recall that I really enjoyed Douglas Hulick’s debut novel Among Thieves. Well, at long last, the followup to that book is out. It’s every bit as good as the first one.

I had the privilege of meeting Mr. Hulick last year at Lone Star Con (AKA Worldcon). It was at a party that was so crowded and noisy that we literally had to shout at times to make ourselves be heard. I found him to be a very pleasant gentleman and a delight to talk to.

The story opens three months after the close of Among Thieves. Drothe is no longer a Nose (street language for information gatherer). He’s now a Gray Prince. What we would think of as a mafia Don. A Boss of Bosses.

And he’s in trouble. Continue reading

In the Merry Month of May

Actually, I’m not sure what’s so merry about it, but that’s the saying, so there you go.

Finals finished up this week.  I got my grades in yesterday, and spent today dealing with all the emails from the students who weren’t happy about their lab grades.  I did have one student who sent me an email telling me I had done more than teach her physics this semester, I had taught her to believe in herself.  That’s the sort of thing you frame.  I guess some days it really is worth chewing through the straps.

Sworn-in-Steel-US-appvdI’ve been getting a little reading done, which I’ll blog about over the next few days.  I’m hoping to finish Sworn in Steel by Douglas Hulick tonight, but I may not be able to stay awake that long.  This is the sequel to Among Thieves, which was one of my favorite books the year it came out.  One of the next things up is The Silver Stallion, the next volume in the Ballantine Adult Fantasy series.  Other than that, I’ll be trying to get as many things read as possible.  I’m a bit behind on what folks have been sending me, so I’m going to read amongst those titles as the fancy hits me, whether it’s fantasy, science fiction, or crime.

There are some other things, but I’ll save mentioning them for another post.