At the Friends of the Library Book Sale. Why? What did you think I meant?
Some of you people need to get your minds out of the gutter.
Here’s what I picked up (click to enlarge). Paperbacks were fifty cents (when did keyboards stop containing the cents symbol?) and hardcovers a dollar.
Some of these are duplicates, such has the REH titles, the Frazetta, The Saberhagen Dracula books, the SF Hall of Fame, some of the Bova and Drake. In some cases I wasn’t sure which ones I had and in others I was upgrading. The Hecate’s Cauldron was a steal for $0.50; the last time I checked, it was selling for around $20 on ABE.
My main objective was to fill in gaps in Bova’s Grand Tour series, and I managed to pick up a couple I didn’t already have. Most of them, though, are upgrades or reading copies of titles I have that are signed. Everything else was gravy.
Not bad for $23.50 total.