Tag Archives: updates

Other Blogs

So when I put the link in for the review of “Nightfall” in the previous post, I realized the review wasn’t on this blog. It was over at Futures Past and Present, my sciencde fiction blog.  That got me thinking, especially since I saw there had been a couple of comments awaiting approval. For months.

At one time I was writing four blogs. This one, which focused on fantasy and pulp and was the main blog, Futures Past and Present, which focused on science fiction, Gumshoes, Gats, and Gams, my mystery and crime blog. Then there was Dispatches From the Lone Star Front. The subject of that one was Texas history and culture.

That last one went dormant at the end of 2016. It was intended to be a more scholarly blog, requiring research beyond what a book blog would. I just didn’t have the time for it with a son entering high school.

The other two went dormant during COVID. My original intentions, now part of the Second Circle Bypass in Hell, was to post on each one at least once a month. Time contraints at the time made keeping three blogs going impractical. As long-time readers know, I didn’t do much with this blog the last couple of years.

But now my circumstances have changed. (Boy, have they ever). I’ve been reading a lot more mystery and thrillers. I’ve probably read more in those genres in the last few years than I have in fantasy.

When I revilatized this blog, I thought at the time that I would include science fiction in this one. And I have to a great extent if you consider the birthday posts.

So after I looked at Futures earlier today, I got to wondering, should I revive them. I feel bad that I didn’t check Futures more often and those comments went unapproved for so long.

Your thoughts: Should I try to bring back one or more of the other blogs, or should I just make this one more widespread?

What’s Up With Our Intrepid Blogger? Why Isn’t He Posting?

Those are very good questions, questions that deserve answers.

Short answer: I’ve been busy.

Long answer: I’ve been busy with Real Life.

I mentioned a few months ago that my wife was going into the prison system.  Well, –

What’s that? What did she do?

She filled out the application, got an interview, and accepted the offer.

What, you thought she was going in as an inmate? If anyone in the family were going up the river, it would most likely be me. There is someone in a previous generation of my family named Chicken Thief Smith. (Really. I’m not kidding.)

We’re buying some property to keep the land in the family. I’m teaching for the summer to earn a little extra cash. (Very little, as it turns out, but every little bit helps.) Then it’s pack up and move.

Oh, and look for gainful employment so I’m not a burden on society.

In the meantime, most of my writing has been fiction or assignments for some online writing workshops I’ve been taking. Some of the workshops have novels as reading assignments, which we have to analyze for various things, depending on the topic of the workshops. I’m learning a lot, and I hope it shows in the writing.

I’ve got some things I need to publish, as well as a few stories to submit to markets. I’m hoping to have at least two collections and one novella up by the end of the summer. Part of that will involve how to do print books. I’ve gotten requests for some. (Waves at Will Oliver.)

In the meantime, I’m trying to pack (sooo many books, so few boxes), survive the heat (107 degrees yesterday), and look for a job. I’ll try to get a review or other post up from time to time.

Just so you know, I’m not dead and haven’t killed anyone whose body has been found yet. This blog isn’t dead, either, but it looks like it’s on life support. I’ll try to resuscitate it at least a little going forwards.



My Wife Is Going Into the Prison System

She has to report to the Robertson Unit in Abilene in a few days for processing.

I’ll be accompanying her, although I’ll stay at the hotel while that’s going on.

Once the new employee paperwork is done, we’ll go to where she’ll actually be working.

As you might can guess, there are some big changes going on behind the scenes here at Adventures Fantastic, which is why I’ve not posted anything for nearly two months. I didn’t realize it had been that long. I’ve also been focusing on fiction writing. More on that in a later post.

I’ll try to get a few things up over the next few days, a birthday post on Robert Bloch and another on Henry Kuttner and a guest post from Will Oliver. I’m about halfway through a collection for review, but that one is a few days out.

Your Intrepid Blogger Is Not Dead, Nor Doth He Sleep

He’s just been busy writing.

I’m completing a nine-week collection course this week. It’s a themed class where I’ll have a collection at the end. The theme is Private Investigators. I’ve got to tweak the cover and do a few other small things, then it should go up for sale. Look for an announcement here soon.

The next collection class is on time travel, and I’ll start it later today.

I’ve also had a couple of other assignments for some shorter courses I’ve been taking. Since time is limited, I’ve chosen to focus on writing that might bring in some income over blogging. But I’m still going to blog. The blogging should pickup over the holidays and classes aren’t in session.

Recent Travels

I’ve been on the road quite a bit lately and will be at least once more before the end of the month. Some of the travel is family related (no issues, just visits), but I just returned from Howard Days 2022 today. I was in San Antonio for the 2022 Edgar Rice Burroughs Dum-Dum the weekend before.

Look for trip reports on both of those later this week, once everything settles down and I get caught up on chores and dayjobbery..

A Look Ahead to 2020Too

I’m not into resolutions much. I’m more of a goals kind of guy.

Here are a few goals. These are mainly being driven by some situations at work, some of which I am not at liberty to discuss in a public forum. By that I mean legally prohibited (personnel issues). Bottom line, I will have put in enough time to be able to retire a year from now. I don’t know that I will want to then, but I want to have the freedom to exercise that option.

So, here are  few that relate to this blog. Continue reading

As You Wish! Is Now Available

I’m going to engage in a bit of shameless self-promotion. My latest publication is now available. It’s a story entitled “The Head of St. Brandon”. It’s in the latest volume from Rogue Blades Entertainment, As You Wish!. The stories are in the vein of The Princess Bride.  This isn’t Princess Bride fan fiction.

Here’s what RBE has to say about it:

Classical romantic adventures in homage to William Goldman’s THE PRINCESS BRIDE. This omnibus includes SOMEBODY KILL THE PRINCE! – diabolical machinations defeated – and MOSTLY DEAD! – diabolical tortures defeated – by all the mostly ‘good parts’ of heroic family entertainment with true love and loyalty. Fun stories to share with all the family, stories that put a smile on readers’ faces! Authors include: Hayley Reese Chow, Carrie L. Clickard, Christopher Degni, Sarina Dorie, Gabriel Ertsgaard, Livia Finucci, Jalyn Renae Fiske, M T Ingoldby, Jessica Lévai, T. A. Markitan, Sarah Murray, Meghan K. O’Neill, Henry Ram, Emily Martha Sorensen, Jeff Stewart, J. B. Toner, and Keith West. Cover art by Bill Cavalier. Foreword by Fred Durbin. Edited by Jason M Waltz and Ty Johnston.

I’m proud to have a story in this volume, and I’m looking forward to the other stories. As You Wish! is available in print for $14 and in ebook for $4.

My Runnin’ Around Buddy Ain’t Around For Me To Run Around With No More

I knew this day was coming.

I’ve known it for years.

I knew it when we boarded a plane with the little butterball in Almaty, Kazakhstan. I knew it when we walked down the steps of the orphanage in Shemkent the day he officially became our son.

I knew the time would fly by. I didn’t know it would fly so fast. I knew today would be bittersweet. It didn’t know it would be this bitter nor this sweet.

Sunday my son and I left home. Today I came home alone.

My son starts college on Monday. He’ll be living with my mother-in-law, which will be good for both of them. I’ve spent the last few days helping him get settled and doing some chores my MiL needed doing. I am incredibly proud of my son. I’m not going to say his name or which college he’s attending out of respect for his privacy. He has turned into a fine young man. He still has some growing up to do, but compared to the typical college freshman I see, he’s ahead of them. He’s smart, charming, handsome. And since I had nothing to do with his genetics, I can brag on him without having to assume any false modesty.

The time has come when he has to stand or fall on his own merits. I’m putting aside the doubts and second-guessing that’s normal at a time like this. Whether there was something I could have done differently or better (there was, there always is), what’s done is done. There’s very little left I can do, at least unless/until I’m asked to.

I’m not worried. He’s turned out fine, in spite of his parents at times. He’s got a great future ahead of him.

Quick Update

Just a note to let all of you know how it’s going. We’re all healthy, if a little stir crazy from confinement.  The governor is allowing businesses to open on a limited basis.  Here’s hoping it’s a success.  I haven’t been to a book store in over a month.

There’s a week of class left, then finals.  I’m about to be buried under a mountain of grading.  Actually, the mountain i already here.  I’ve just been ignoring it.

Tomorrow morning I’ll be helping a friend’s mother, who is in her 80s, have some trash cleared.  Some asshat dumped a load of heavy junk against her fence, and she can’t get out into the alley to take out her trash, so she walks to the end of the block and back up the alley. We’re loading it onto some trailers and taking it to the dump, which is currently only open on Wednesday and Saturday. I don’t have class tomorrow, so I’m able to help.

Then it’s back to putting in a garden.  There are two more places to till.   I’ve already planted corn, beans, and cucumbers.  Next it’s tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots, and a little okra.

I’ve got a deadline on a short story I need to finish by the end of the week.

And of course, more birthday and Retro Hugo posts.  Plus a few other things I’ve been trying to get to.  Most of those may have to wait until after finals, but I’ll get in as many as I can.  Tomorrow is the birthday of Rafael Sabatini, H. Bedford-Jones, and Jack Williamson, so I have to do something.

How’s everyone else doing.