The House is on the Market

Some of you may know that last year I left academia to move back to the house I lived in when I graduated high school. My wife and I are buying the property from my parents in order to keep the land in the family.

In order to do this, we needed to sell our house. That is how we will pay my parents and brothers for the property.  There was still some stuff in the house, such as my son’s roll-top desk, shelves and books, junk in the garage. That kind of stuff when I resigned.

Then I got the job at the post office last fall, which slowed down my packing and moving. (Some income is better than no income.) Since that job is six mornings a week, it made getting back to Lubbock to pack and do other things I needed to do there a bit of a challenge. It’s a little over three hours in a car one way.

Well, yesterday, I dropped the paperwork off with the realtor, finished some work on the yard that needed to be done (in 104 degree heat), and came back home. (I still managed to get over 2500 words written, which is good because I am behind on the challenge for the month). That was the second trip I made this week. I apologize to some of you who have sent emails that have gone unanswered. I’ll get to those, just probably not tonight.

Hopefully, the house will sell soon and at or close to what we are asking.

The good thing is that I don’t have to spend as much time on the road and devote more time to writing and other work around here.

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