Writing Update

I thought I had posted this earlier this month. I must have changed “I need to post this” to “I have posted this” in my mind.

As I’ve stated before, I’ve been doing a challenge to write an average of 2024 words per day in 2024. May started out good, with me being several days ahead by the middle of the month. Then I missed a few days due to travel. I managed to catch up and ended the month of May with an average of 2026 words per day.

That’s a win, and I’m taking it.

June has been a bit of a stumble. I’ve missed several days, although Howard Days had little effect until the last day, when I only hit half the word count.

Right now I’m taking some anthology workshops in which I’ll write a story for consideration in an anthology. There will be one story a week for six weeks. I wrote the first one last week. It was for the theme of ghosts and taverns. This week is a cozy mystery set at a beach. Futute themes will be msytery science fiction, military science fiction, Hallowee, and regency fantasy. Cozies and regencies are well outside my comfort zone, which is why I’m taking them. I may fall on my face, but I’ll learn something and stretch myself as a writer.

2 thoughts on “Writing Update

  1. Jason M Waltz

    Ok, first, congrats on sticking to it.
    Second, good to see you again at Howard Days.
    Third – instead of me looking it up I’ll help you reach your 2024 word count today – what the hell is “regency fantasy”?

    1. Keith West Post author

      Thanks. Great seeing you at Howard Days, as well. It’s a combination of regency romance and fantasy. I’m stretcing myself as a writer. 🙂


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