Monthly Archives: December 2021

“Pickman’s Exhibition” Now Available

While things have been rather quiet here on the blog, that doesn’t mean I haven’t been working on other projects.

I participated in NaNoWriMo this year, focusing on short fiction.  I completed nine short stories, and have made various progress on six more. I’ll talk more about them in tomorrow’s post.

My plan is to publish some of them as stand-alone short stories. I’ve not self-published anything before, so I’m still working my way up the learning curve.

So for practice and to try and figure out what I’m doing, today I published “Pickman’s Exhibition“. It’s a 5900 word story. If you are at all familiar with H. P. Lovecraft, you’ll understand the title.

Leigh Brackett Birthday Post Placeholder

Today, December 7, is the birthday of Leigh Brackett  (1915-1978). I’ve read a couple of her stories, but I’m not up for a post tonight. I’ve spent the evening finishing grading final exams and responding to student inquiries as to why their lab grade isn’t an A. (“You have multiple zeroes. Try attending all the labs next time. “)

I’ll post something of substance sometime in the next few days. But I didn’t want this day to pass without mentioning it.