And Now We Know

I made reference to a medical situation the other day.  Things have developed to the point I can say something with certainty.

My wife went in for her annual mammogram a couple of weeks ago.  They can do these things in 3-D now. They can tilt, rotate, and spin the image with just a click of the mouse.  Ain’t video game technology grand?

There was a small spot that wasn’t there last year.  They did an MRI and a biopsy.  My post was from the day before the biopsy when we met with the doctor.  The results of the biopsy came back yesterday afternoon.  It’s cancer.

We’ll meet with the doctor on Monday and have an appointment on the 18th with the surgeon who’ll perform the lumpectomy.  At this point, no one is freaking out.  They caught it early, and I expect they’ll be able to get everything.  We’ll know for sure on Monday, but the nurse told my wife she should expect to beat this and that she wasn’t going to die.

So that’s what’s going on.  I’m not sure who this is going to affect things.  I’ll probably miss some work here and there.  I’m still waiting on the university to tell me when (or if) they’re going to send me to inspect the labs at the new Costa Rica campus.  Depending on the timeline we get on Monday, I may cancel that whether the university likes it or not.   Blogging, reading, and writing?  That remains to be seen.  I may blog everyday or multiple times a day just to have an outlet for stress.  I may drop off the radar for an extended period of time.

Right now, we’re doing fine, although a little tense.  I’ll post updates as we learn more things or if there’s a big shift is the situation.

26 thoughts on “And Now We Know

    1. Keith West Post author

      Thank you, and you’re right. Early detection is crucial. The system worked just the way it is supposed to, and we are going to kick cancer’s butt.

    1. Keith West Post author

      Thank you. I’m glad to. We had a scare a few years ago that turned out to be benign. Since then Kathy has regularly had a mammogram, and I’m glad she has.

    1. Keith West Post author

      Thank you. Yes, time with family is most precious, and I’m glad both of my brothers will be able to make it to my parents’ house for Christmas. It will be a good time.

    1. Keith West Post author

      Thanks. We saw the doctor this morning, and she said it is essentially a best case scenario. The tumor is small and is not growing aggressively. She thinks a lumpectomy, which is an out-patient procedure, followed by radiation and oral medicine. Unless the pathologist comes back with something unexpected, the doctor didn’t think there would be any chemo.


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