Workers doing repairs at the Robert E. Howard House in Cross Plains made a startling discovery last week. While replacing a portion of an outer wall damaged in a thunderstorm, they found an envelope containing an unknown manuscript.
The manuscript is a rough draft of a Conan story, making it the second novel length Conan yarn. According to those who have read the manuscript, Conan is robbing a tomb in Stygia when he runs into the sorcerer Thoth-Amon. They are both after an amulet sacred to the snake god Set. During the ensuing battle, Thoth-amon casts a spell on Conan that hurls him millennia into the future. The spell causes Conan to lose his memory. He wanders Africa, having various adventures, until he runs into Solomon Kane. With Kane’s help, he returns to the Hyborian Age and defeats Thoth-Amon.
Reaction among Robert E. Howard scholars has been varied. Rusty Burke says this is the best thing by Howard he has ever read. Bill “Indy” Cavalier says the discovery will be a game-changer in Robert E. Howard studies. Mark Finn was speechless. Speaking by phone from France, Patrice Louinet could only babble excitedly in French. Jeff Shanks began writing a grant proposal for further archaeological work at the Howard House. Dave Hardy, on the other hand, is convinced the manuscript is a forgery and has hired retired ADA John Bullard to investigate. A special edition of The Cromcast will be devoted to the manuscript in the near future.