Leigh Brackett and Eric John Stark

Today is December 7 as I write this, and on this day in 1915, Leigh Brackett was born.

Brackett is a major favorite here at Adventures Fantastic. I’m not going to let her birthday go by unacknowledged.

Normally for these birthday posts, I read and review something by the author in question. I’m up to my armpits in alligators, writing deadlines, and trying to get ready for final exams (which start tomorrow).

So, that’s clearly not going to happen this year.

I also have been thinking about what to review. I’ve reviewed most of the short fiction that I consider to be my favorites. I’m not going to repeat myself. Also I don’t have time to comb through the rest of Brackett’s work and find something.

So I’m going to cheat.

One of Brackett’s most popular characters is Eric John Stark. I’ve looked at “Enchantress of Venus” and “Black Amazon of Mars“. I haven’t looked at “Queen of the Martian Catacombs”. That one will be in the queue soon.

I’ve also not looked at the Skaith Trilogy, which are novels about Stark written a number of years later. I haven’t read them since mumblety-mumble, and that’s just too long.

So for the next few months, I’m going to dive back into them. Hopefully, I’ll be able to get them read over the next few weeks and months.

2 thoughts on “Leigh Brackett and Eric John Stark

  1. Manly Reading

    The Ark of Mars (aka the first half of Alpha Centauri or Die!) is my single favourite Brackett story, at least of the non-Stark stuff.

    But you can’t go wrong reading anything by Brackett.


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