Remembering Resnick

I’m doing a second birthday post today because I think both writers, Henry S. Whitehead and Mike Resnick (1942-2020) are important enough, both to me personally and to the field in general, that a single post isn’t the way to treat them. This one is going to be brief, though, because I’m traveling today and need to get back on the road.

Resnick didn’t write much fantasy, although he wrote a little as well as a few mysteries near the end of his life.

He traveled extensively in Africa, and what he saw and experienced there informed much of his work, both in novels and in shorter lengths.

His Birthright series, which he added to all of his life, was one of the best and most entertaining future histories I’ve ever read. It included Brithright: The Book of Man, Santiago, the Oracle trilogy, and the Widowmaker series. Among others.

And that’s not mentioning  the other series he wrote.

As much as I love his novels, his short fiction is, in my mind, his best work. He was a multiple award winner at that length. The Kirinyaga stories, which won multiple awards are some of the most thought provoking stories to come out of the nineties.

The thing that is really annoying about Resnick’s short fiction is how easy he made it look. He could write a story with a point and make it so engrossing and entertaining that you didn’t realize there was a serious message in the story. He’s a writer I want to study more to try and learn how he did it.

Resnick was an accomplished editor as well. He edited a number of anthologies in the nineties that dealt with various aspects of alternate histories. A number of those stories won or were nominated for awards. And let’s not forget Galaxy’s Edge, the electronic magazine he was editing at the time of his death. It contained both original and reprint work and was, again, in my opinion, one of the top short fiction venues in the field.

I could go on at length about Mike Resnick’s contributions, but I’ll stop there and save something for a future post.

When a God Passes

Today, March 5, is the birthday of Henry S,. Whitehead (1882-1932}. Whitehead wrote for Weird Tales, and if he hadn’t died so young, I believe  he would have attained a reputation, if not on par with Howard, Lovecraft, and Smith, at least only slightly less well-regarded. Whitehead lived much of his adult life in the Caribbean, and he drew on his first-hand knowledge of the iinhabitants of the region when writing his fiction. He was a popular writer in his day, and was highly regarded by Lovecraft. Unfortunately, he is almost forgotten today.

I reviewed one of his best tales, “Seven Turns in a Hangman’s Rope“, some years back. It remains one of my favorites.

Today I’m going to look at an audio edition of his story, “The Passing of a God”. I’m  on the road today, and I listened to it earlier while I was driving. There are spoilers below the fold. Continue reading

February Writing Update

I’m doing a challenge to write 2024 words per day (on average) in 2024. I ended January a little bit ahead, but I finished February about four and a half days behind, with just over fifty thousand words written. This puts me behind for the year.

But there are still ten months left in the year, so I have plenty of time to catch up. As of yesterday, I was over a day ahead for the month of March.

Most of what I wrote were blog posts or the current work in progress, which is dark fantasy. I started it intending it to be a short story, but I soon realized it would be something longer, probably a novel. It turned out I was right on that point. It will be a novel. I was thinking it would come in somewhere between fifty thousand and sixty thousand words. I passed sixty-two thousand words last night. I have at least three major scenes left to write, so at this point, I’m expecting it to come in at over seventy thousand words.

Other than blog posts,  I’m going to keep plugging away at this one until it’s done.

Machen: What to Read First?

Arthur Machen (1863-1947) was born on this day, March 3. He is widely regarded as one of the most significant authors of weird fiction from the late Nineteenth and early Twentieth Centuries. The name Machen is actually a penname. His real name was Arthur Llewellyn Jones.

He was influential on Robert E. Howad, Frank Belknanp Long, Stephen King, and Karl Edward Wagner. H. P. Lovecraft, in his essay “supernatural Horror in Literature”, considered him to be one of four “modern masters” of supernatural horror. (The others were M. R. James, Lord Dunsay, and Algernon Blackwood.)

While I have a limited knowledge of his work because I’ve read about it, I’ve never actually read any of it. (Don’t judge me. There is only so much time in a day.) I’ve been intending to correct that for some time.

So, question for this post, where should I start? I’m leaning towards The Great God Pan, but I’m open to other suggestions. I’ve had some things going on that have made reading on a consistent basis a challenge lately, and I don’t think that will change for a while. (It’s dayjobbery and trying to get a house ready to sell. Nothing bad such as health issues or anything like that.) I’d prefer shorter works to novels.

What are your thoughts?

The Ubiquity of Greenberg

Today, March 1, marks the birthday of one of the more prolific, probably the most prolific, anthologist who ever compiled a table of contents. I’m talking about Martin H. Greenberg (1941-2011).

There was a time when bookstore shelves were covered with anthologies in which Greenberg was the editor. Not all of them were science fiction, fantasy, or horror, either.

There mystery and crime anthologies, western anthologies, and other types as well. Even anthologies about cats. Continue reading

Leap Day

Today is February 29. Leap day, in other words. Something that occurs once every four years, like presidential elections in the US only without two years of television ads leading up to it and two years of politicians trying to position themselves for the next one once it’s over.

Also a lot more fun.

So today, I thought I would look at birthdays that only occur once every four years. Continue reading

RIP, Brian Stableford

Crap. I hate to write this, but I’m going to as much as it pains me to do so. Brian Stableford (1948-2024) has died. Locus is reporting that he passed away on February 24, after a long illness. He is survived by his children, son Leo and daughter Kathy.

In an earlier post this year, I asked what wrtiers you thought have been unjustly neglected and should have their work brought to public attentions. Brian Stableford was one of the names mentioned.  I heartily agreed. Continue reading


Today, February 26, is the birthday of Theodore Sturgeon (1918-1985).

Sturgeon was one of the most highly regarded writers of his day, especially his short fiction. I read “Thunder and Roses” today when I had a few minutes free from work and traveling.

“Thunder and Roses” is a postapocalyptic story in which the United States was attacked by unnamed enemies from both the east and the west.

Instead of retaliating, the government chose to not respond. Continue reading

Wondering About Edgar Pangborn

Today’s birthday post (February 25) features Edgar Pangborn (1909-1976). Pangborn isn’t well remembered today, This is due in part because he didn’t leave a large body of work behind when he died. He wrote several novels, not all of them genre,  and a smattering of short fiction. I’ve seen Pangborn compared favorably to Theodore Sturgeon.

The novel he is best remembered for is Davy, a postapapolyptic tale of a young boy. I haven’t read it yet, but I do have a copy of the Ballantine (later Del Rey) edition with the Boris Vallejo cover that has an image of Davy and two nude young women about to have sex in the background.  This book is part of a series. The rest of the series is comprised of short stories. Some of these are collected in Still i Persist in Wondering, which is where I got the title of this post.

Another novel is A Mirror for Observers, which I read in college. Unfortunately, I had an outpatient procedure before I finished it, and when I went to finish it, not much of it stuck with me. I enjoyed the book, at least until I had to put it down, and I enjoyed the rest of it. I just wasn’t really recovered enough to jump back into it. I’ll give it another try one of these days.

The third novel, Pangborn’s first, actually, is West of the Sun. It’s about a group of colonisits on a planet that turns out to have hidden dangers. This novel is iinclulded in The Edgar Pangborn Megapack, along with three pieces of shosrt fiction and two other novels that are nongenre.

Pangborn wrote enough short stories to fill a hefty collection. Maybe NESFA could put one together. It would be a good fit for their line.


Yesterday, February 24, was the birthday of Augusts Derleth (1909-1971). I was on the road all day, mostly with work, and didn’t have a chance to post anything.

Entire books could be written about Derleth, and have been. I’m not going to try to get that detailed,  I’ll let other writers talk about Derleth and Lovecraft and whether Derleth harmed or helped Lovecraft with his “posthumous collaborations”.

Derleth wrote more than just Lovecraftian fiction. He wrote a number of novels and stories set in his native Wisconsin at a location named Sac Prairie. He also wrote a number of Solar Pons stories. Those works are outside the scope of this blog.

What some people forget, and many don’t know, is that Derleth also wrote a number of fantasy and horror stories that aren’t Lovecraftian. He also wrote poetry, but I’m not familiar with any of his poetic works. Continue reading