Happy Birthday, Fritz Leiber, Jr.

Fritz Leiber, Jr. was born on this day, December 24, in 1910. He was one of the giants of not only sword and sorcery, but science fiction, as well.

His science fiction isn’t as well remembered today as it once was, but his tales of Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser are still in print and being read today.

In a way, I think that’s a shame. He was such a versatile writer that I would love to see a collected short fiction series of books, much like the Del Rey Rober E. Howard books. Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser are now iconic characters, and that’s how it should be. But they shouldn’t overshadow Leiber’s other work. He wrote a number of dark fantasy and horror stories that are first rate.

I’ve not had a chance to read something for his birthday, but I’ll try to work something in over the next few weeks.

Still, later tonight, after everyone else has gone to bed and I’ve finished stuffing stockings, I’ll raise a glass in his memory.

Back, and in Time for Leigh Brackett’s Birthday

No, I’m not dead, and I’ll post an update within the next few days. It’s been a hectic few months that have involved a lot more travel than I was expecting. Hopefully, I’ll post more regularly. Things are starting to get into a routine.

Leigh Brackett

But today, I want to mention Leigh Brackett (1915-1978). I’ve not read anything by her for this post, but I didn’t want to let her birthday pass.

As I’ve stated in numerous other posts, Brackett is one of my favorite writers. Her space opera is some of the best around. She often managed to blend it with a hardboiled tone.  It’s worth seeking out if you can find it. I’ve noticed that other than the Skaith trilogy, which I started rereading earlier this year, she’s pretty hard to find in paper.

So, I’ll raise a glass to her memory before I go to bed and hope I dream of a solar system like the one she created.

Time is Running Out for Neither Beg Nor Yield

We interrupt the attempted packing of a library (so many books, so few boxes) for a public service announcement.

The Rogue Blades Kickstarter for Neither Beg Nor Yield is about to end. It ends in just over two days as I write this. If you haven’t supported it, or if you were on the fence about it until you knew if it funded, the window to do so is closing fast.

This campaign has more than succeeded, so get your butt off that picket (or vice-versa, you know what I mean) and click the link above to support this campaign. I’m looking forward to this one. Jason M. Waltz, head headhunter at Rogue Blades, always puts out a terrific project. At this point, he’s working on stretch goals.

Raising a Glass to Ray

Today as I write this is August 22. Ray Bradbury was born on this date in 1920. I’m not going to look at any of his stories. As I said on this year’s Lovecraft birthday post, I’ve been kind of busy.

But I did want to take a moment to acknowledge him and the impact his work has had on my life. Bradbury was one of the greatest short story writers the world has ever produced.  There are still a number of  his stories I’ve not read.


Especially from the last couple of collections. I was busy trying to keep up with a toddler when they came out. I’m hoping to do a deeper dive later this year when things slow down. Until then, I’ll raise a glass tonight in his memory.

A Brief H. P. Lovecraft Birthday Post

Just a quick post in recognition of H. P. Lovecraft’s birthday. I’ve been swamped with too many projects, writing and otherwise, to have read anything by him this year. I hope to rectify that omission in the next few weeks.

One of the projects I’m working on, which has taken a back seat to more immediate deadlines and concerns, is a Lovecraftian story set in Mississippi in the 1950s. It will be the centerpiece of a collection I have planned.

Once things settle down, I hope to get back to it.

But I couldn’t let today pass without a tip of the hat to the Gentleman from Providence. Now, I’ll go and tip my glass to his memory and literary legacy.

What’s Up With Our Intrepid Blogger? Why Isn’t He Posting?

Those are very good questions, questions that deserve answers.

Short answer: I’ve been busy.

Long answer: I’ve been busy with Real Life.

I mentioned a few months ago that my wife was going into the prison system.  Well, –

What’s that? What did she do?

She filled out the application, got an interview, and accepted the offer.

What, you thought she was going in as an inmate? If anyone in the family were going up the river, it would most likely be me. There is someone in a previous generation of my family named Chicken Thief Smith. (Really. I’m not kidding.)

We’re buying some property to keep the land in the family. I’m teaching for the summer to earn a little extra cash. (Very little, as it turns out, but every little bit helps.) Then it’s pack up and move.

Oh, and look for gainful employment so I’m not a burden on society.

In the meantime, most of my writing has been fiction or assignments for some online writing workshops I’ve been taking. Some of the workshops have novels as reading assignments, which we have to analyze for various things, depending on the topic of the workshops. I’m learning a lot, and I hope it shows in the writing.

I’ve got some things I need to publish, as well as a few stories to submit to markets. I’m hoping to have at least two collections and one novella up by the end of the summer. Part of that will involve how to do print books. I’ve gotten requests for some. (Waves at Will Oliver.)

In the meantime, I’m trying to pack (sooo many books, so few boxes), survive the heat (107 degrees yesterday), and look for a job. I’ll try to get a review or other post up from time to time.

Just so you know, I’m not dead and haven’t killed anyone whose body has been found yet. This blog isn’t dead, either, but it looks like it’s on life support. I’ll try to resuscitate it at least a little going forwards.



Neither Beg Nor Yield

Friend of the blog, publisher, editor, author,  and all around great guy, Jason M. Waltz, is launching a S&S Kickstarter for a new anthology entitled Neither Beg Nor Yield. Jason has published some great anthologies over the years. I’ve been privileged to appear in a few of them.

This will be Rogue Blades Entertainment’s final publication.

You’re gonna want to grab a copy of this one. Here’s the link to the Kickstarter page where you can be notified when the project goes live on August 22. It will run through September 19.


And here are Jason’s thoughts on what led him to pursue this project:

Background on NBNY: If you’ve had the opportunity to read the foreword to Perry’s Swords & Heroes that came out in May, that is my motivation to end my publishing career with a wallop of power. Writing, rewriting, and rereading that over a few weeks pumped me up to the extreme and essentially forced me to emphatically define my interpretation of S&S.

I have long felt a growing angst about the ongoing disputes of the definition of Sword & Sorcery – a definition that to me has grown far too convoluted and frankly cumbersome. Once, decades ago, I was of the restrictive mindset that S&S had to be a particular this or that, more in the mold of Conan than not. Yet even then, I did not recognize several prominent characters as truly S&S protagonists despite popular belief to the contrary. I felt right in my convictions yet also felt it somehow inconclusive, felt that something was absent, a missing link scratching at my thoughts for years. I have also totally believed that there is a direct line from the vast majority of today’s entertainment (of any variety) to S&S and thus Howard. Then a few years ago it hit me that S&S is purely — and simply — an attitude, an attitude of its author’s storytelling for certain, but specifically the attitude of its protagonist. Once I recognized that, everything clicked for me. Of course, a story that holds all of Jones’ 4 ingredients and Murphy’s 7 parameters should be a S&S tale — but it is not a guarantee, for there are many that are not. And I don’t think that’s purely opinion; it’s demonstrable truth to me. If the protagonist does not have the requisite Attitude — I don’t care how many of those items can be checked off, it ain’t a S&S tale. And that is not a negative: It can be a perfectly spectacular heroic fantasy story I won’t argue one whit about; label it S&S and I will. On the other hand, a story that on the surface barely touches upon the ‘sacred 11’ can be one of the best ever told S&S tales of all time so long as that protagonist holds true to the spirit, the Attitude, of S&S.

This is what I want to deliver, to emphatically declare, with NEITHER BEG NOR YIELD: the truest form of powerful S&S storytelling must be more than its atmosphere and accoutrements. It must be an attitude.

Once I knew what I wanted to say, all the names of the writers of my experience who could deliver exactly what I wanted myself and the world to read came instantly to mind. Seriously. Not a struggle. I loved my list, but to be certain, I poured over all the anthologies and magazines/zines of the last 20 years that I have or have access to, replayed dozens of conversations, communications, critiques, and characters I’ve loved; searched every written thing I could recall. I found many stories and names I recalled fondly…but my choices did not change. That is simply amazing to me. 23ish years of this publishing, reading, editing, and writing life and I clearly recalled everyone who wrote what I wanted — unintentionally and unknowingly retained for striking that just-right chord of my S&S soul.

Then came the most difficult challenge of all: getting all of them to join me. And they did. And so for me, this anthology is the winning epitome of my career whether another reader sees it or not.

Neither Beg Nor Yield will have 16 contributors. Possibly more if stretch goals are reached. Jason has asked me to reveal the names of two of the contributors.  They are:

Bill Ward (currently of Goodman Games & had RBE stories in RETURN OF THE SWORD, RAGE OF THE BEHEMOTH, and DEMONS)

William King, who will be returning with a Kormak tale!

Other contributors will be announced in other venues. Some have already been announced, such as in Black Gate. Still more names will be released as August 22 draws closer.

Again, here’s the link to sign up to be notified when the Kickstarter goes live.


I’d say this one is gonna be good, but it won’t. It’ll be great!

REH and Some Pulp Editor Critiques: A Guest Post by John Bullard

While working on books for the Robert E. Howard Foundation, I happened to be digging through all of the typescript digital photo copies the Foundation has made from the Glenn Lord Collection. I came across many letters from various Pulp Editors and Publishers to Howard critiquing his stories or giving him advice, or saying why they rejected his submissions. Rob Roehm had published most of the correspondence from Farnsworth Wright and Otis Adelbert Kline to Howard in the wonderful The Complete Letters of Doctor Isaac M. Howard, but most of these other letters have not been published for interested folks to read. I gathered them all and have edited a booklet that may hopefully be published sometime soon. I thought a look at a few of the letters might be interesting for the insights they give into what Robert E. Howard was dealing with in his writing career. Continue reading

Will Oliver Looks at KEW’s 13 Best Horror Novels

Karl Edward Wagner’s 13 Best Supernatural Horror Novels Ranked

By Will Oliver

Karl Edward Wagner published his famous list of 13 Best Supernatural Horror Novels in Rod Serling’s Twilight Zone Magazine in the May-June 1983 issue. There is no indication that he rank ordered these stories. I decided to read all 13 for myself, rank order them, and provide both Wagner’s short review along with my own. Continue reading