A Christmas Conundrum with Carnacki

Carnacki’s Christmas Conundrum
William Jeffrey Rankin
ebook $0.99

If you like William Hope Hodgson’s Carnacki the Ghost Finder, then is will be an electronic stocking stuffer you’ll enjoy. William Jeffrey Rankin was written a tale in which Carnacki awakens in a room beneath the London streets. A note tell shim he’s been placed there by someone who was inconvenienced by Carnacki in a previous case.

Carnacki had met some friends for dinner and a drink on Christmas Eve and on his way out of the restaurant was invited to join a group of men. One of them slips him a Mickey.

Carnacki is trapped beneath the streets of London with apparent way to get out. He’s in a series of chambers with no exits. Although there are these large mirrors…

I thoroughly enjoyed this short story. There were some decidedly weird moments. Rankin gets Carnacki out of his trouble, of course, bu he leaves enough loose ends that I want to know what happens next.

Like I said, if you’re a Carnacki fan, this will make a nice gift for yourself. Carnacki’s Christmas Conundrum was just published yesterday, so it’s a gift to yourself you most likely haven’t read yet.

Christmas Stories III

This is the last set of stories I wrote for the Christmas contest. (You can read most of the others here and here. I’m not going to post the slice of life or satire stories. They are the weakest.)

I bent the rules a little here. The stories were supposed to be a maximum of 500 words, but there was no prohibition in the rules against sequels. So the following four are linked. The viewpoint character changes from one story to the next. I’ve posted the original stories, not the ones I submitted for the contest, meaning not all of them will be under 500 words.

I was participating NaNoWriMo when I wrote these and used them for my word count. I was writing short fiction, not a novel. I used these stories as personal challenges and tried writing things I wouldn’t normally write, just to stretch myself. For example, the first three of these stories are what is considered sweet romance. (This is not a genre I typically read, much less write.) You can read the first three without reading the fourth, although the observant reader may pick up on a slight discrepancy between the first and second parts.

The fourth story resolves the discrepancy, changes the reader’s understanding of what is going on, and makes the whole thing dark fantasy. Continue reading

Christmas Stories

The local writer’s group had a Christmas story contest recently. There was a five hundred word limit and no restrictions on how many times you could enter. I entered a dozen stories. One of my won 2nd place. I’m including it and another entry below. I’m including the original version of the winning story. It’s a little longer than 500 words, but I like it better than the shorter one I submitted. One of the judges said it made her cry. (Mission accomplished!)

The second story here is just a bad joke. I’m including it because it is still 2020, and you haven’t suffered enough yet. Continue reading

Echoing a Curse

Echo of a Curse
R. R. Ryan

R. R. Ryan’s birthday was a few days ago, and I said in that post that I would read Echo of a Curse and review it. So here goes. I read the Midnight House edition, which I’ve had for a number of years.

I wasn’t sure what to expect from this book. I ended up liking it very much.

Terry and Mary have grown up next door to each other in a small English town and are best friends. Terry wants things to be more than friends. He’s about to head off to fight in WWI. Just as he’s about to leave, he decides to ask Mary to marry him but changes his mind. He knows he might not be coming back and doesn’t feel it is fair to her to make such a commitment under those circumstances.

This is a decision he will regret. Continue reading

RIP, Phyllis Eisenstein

Fantasy author Phyllis Eisenstein (1946-2020) passed away earlier in December. She was the author of a series of stories about Alaric the minstrel that were collected in Born to Exile. This collection was followed by In the Red Lord’s Reach.  She was also the author of Sorcerer’s Son and a sequel, The Crystal Palace. Locus is reporting there was a third volume that would have been published by Meisha Merlin, but the publisher closed before it saw print. It remains unpublished. I’ve read all of these books and would like to read more about the characters in both series. Hopefully someone will step up and return these books to print and publish the third book. Ms. Eisenstein is survived by her husband Alex. Adventures Fantastic extends its condolences to her friends and family.

R. R. Ryan and Echo of a Curse

December 14 is the birthday of R. R. Ryan (1882-1950), whose real name was Evelyn Grosvenor Bradley. Ryan was the author of the novel Echo of a Curse. I’m sure you’ve heard of it.

What’s that? You haven’t?

Well, truthfully I’m not surprised. This is a rather obscure novel. So why am I bringing it up?

Well, if you read the post on Karl Edward Wagner, you’ll recall l mentioned Wagner had three lists of best horror novels. Echo of a Curse was on the list of Supernatural Horror.

It’s currently available in both paperback and hardcover. The image is from the Midnight House edition published in 2002. It’s out of print and expensive if you can find a copy. I’m going to try to work it in over the next few weeks and report back. I might make trying to read through Wagner’s lists a project over the next few years, not like I need anything else to do.

Blogging Brackett: “The Beast-Jewel of Mars”

Today, December 7, is the birthday of Leigh Brackett (1915-1978). That’s big deal here.

For today’s birthday post, I’m going to look at “The Beast-Jewel of Mars”. It was first published in the Winter 1948 issue of Planet Stories. It is currently available in the ebook Martian Quest (not to be confused with the omnibus of the same name from Haffner Press. That one is out of print. Amazon lists one copy of the Haffner volume for $256.)

Burk Winters is a spaceship captain who has resigned. His fiance, Jill Leland, took a flier out into the desert. Her flier was found crashed, but her body is missing. He’s going to look for her. Burk has an unusual plan to do that.

There’s a Martian practice known as Shanga, the going-back. In it a person regresses to a more primitive state. It’s like a legalized drug. There are Shanga parlors, sort of like opium dens, but the experience is weak. Burk wants the full experience, which is technically illegal. Jill was a Shanga addict, and Burk is hoping to find her.

Here’s how Brackett describes what Burk sees when he goes to a Shanga parlor.

Their faces (the Earthmen’s) were pallid and effeminate, scored with the haggard marks of life lived under the driving tension of a super-modren age.

A Martian woman sat in an alcove, behind a glassite desk. She was dark, sophisticatedly lovely. Her costume was the aftfully adapted short rove of ancient Mars, and she wore no ornament. Her slanting topaz eyes regarded Burk Winters with professional plesantness, but deep in them he could see the scorn and the pride of a race so old that the Terran exquisites of the Trade Cities were only crude children beside it.

Burk goes to an ancient city on a canal, a city that was once a port on an ancient sea, now long dry. There he undergoes Shanga, and he finds a lot more than he bargains for.

Leigh Brackett

One of the pleasures of reading Brackett is that, like REH, she could describe action with poetry. She can set a mood with a few lines of description like few writers can. There is a strong undercurrent of anti-colonialism in this story. That’s something of a trend today in what’s being currently written. Brackett shows the effects of colonialism in this story, and she didn’t need a doorstop of a book to do it. And she does it without neglecting character or action.

Burk is like many of Brackett’s characters. He’s a hard, bitter man who is looking for a lost love. This is a theme that crops up often in Brackett’s work, and in her hands, it’s always fresh.

I found “The Beast-Jewel of Mars” to be an excellent story. I’m not going to give the ending away. I’ll let you read it for yourself. There’s something about Brackett’s work that speaks to me deep in my soul. Yeah, I know, that sounds pretty deep. But her work scratches an itch that few other writers can. You should check her out if you haven’t yet.