A. E. van Vogt (1912-2000) was born on this date, April 26. He was one of the most prolific and popular science fiction writers of the 1940s. In addition to a sizeable body of shorter works, he wrote the popular novels The Voyage of the Space Beagle, Slan, and The Weapons Shops of Isher. These were either serialized in Astounding or put together from individual stories.
Just as a side note, I haven’t given up on the Retro Hugo posts. The semester is about over, and I I’ve been swamped. I’ve also been reading Foundation. The two Asimov stories on the Retro Hugo ballot are the last two sections of the book. I decided to read the whole thing (something I was thinking about doing anyway) to give them some context.
I was going to look at all the novelettes before moving on to the short stories, but van Vogt doesn’t have an entry in that category.
“Far Centaurus” is one of van Vogt’s most reprinted stories. If I’ve counted correctly, I’ve got copies of it in about ten different publications. I first read it in middle school, and the last two paragraphs have stuck with me all these years. Continue reading