Tag Archives: lycanthropy

Jack Williamson’s “Wolves of Darkness”

“Wolves of Darkness” was published in Strange Tales, probably the most successful of the rivals of Weird Tales, in January 1932.  As you can see, it got the cover.

I read the story years ago, when I was either in high school or an undergraduate.  I was expecting it to be an early version of Williamson’s novel Darker Than You Think.  It’s not. While both deal with lycanthropy, they are very different stories. I remember I enjoyed the story and that it wasn’t anything like what I was expecting. Other than that, I didn’t recall any of the plot when I sat down to reread the story the other day.

The first two things I mentioned above, I enjoyed it and it wasn’t what I was expecting, were still true. While lycanthropy is a theme, this horror tale is more grounded in science fiction than the supernatural. Continue reading