What’s Next

I’ve got almost all of the stuff out of the old house we didn’t have time to pack before we moved.  One more night (~1.5 hrs) should get the rest of it.  Then maybe I can get back to reading, writing, and blogging.  I’ve been reading a novel by Scott Fitzgerald Gray for about a week and a half, which is a long time for this novel.  It’s good, and I’m really enjoying it.  It’s just that I haven’t had much time to read lately, and when I do, my aging body betrays me by going to sleep in spite of my best efforts to finish one more chapter. 

I’m hoping to make it to Fencon this weekend.  It was looking like a done deal, but some things have come up.  I think I’ll still make it.  I really need the break.

Afterwards, I’ve got a novel to read that’s been sitting in the queue for way too long , followed by A Guile of Dragons by James Enge.  This one will have a giveaway associated with it.  After that, although not necessarily this order will be Hard Times in Dragon City by Matt Forbeck, Steel and Sorrow by Joshua P. Simon, and The Black God’s War by Moses Siregar III.  I’ll also be weaving some anthologies and periodicals in the mix as well as a small backlog of titles from Angry Robot that I wasn’t able to read when I intended because of the move. 

All of this is tentative of course, but that’s the general plan.

7 thoughts on “What’s Next

  1. Charles Gramlich

    I normally have a kind of reading list set up like this of things, I need to read or am supposed to read. Occassionally I just chuck the list and start with something off the top of my head, though. Actually, I think I do that probably too much

  2. Keith

    Charles, I’m going to read some things not on the list as well, but I want to clear a few commitments first, especially the one that’s been sitting there for so long.

    Thanks, Paul. There’s still stuff in the storage unit, but it’s not urgent. I’m looking forward to next week when I should be able to read, write my own fiction, and blog a little more. right now my reading time is mostly when I’m waiting on my son to finish gymnastics or diving practice.

  3. Joshua

    Looking forward to your thoughts on A Guile of Dragons. I really like Enge’s short stories, but couldn’t finish Blood of the Ambrose.

    I’d like to give him another chance in long form.

    1. Keith

      If all goes well, that will be the second novel I review, with Steel and Sorrow the third. I haven’t read any of Enge’s novels yet. I had hoped to read at least Blood and get a review up before Dragons came out, but then things went haywire on my end. I’ve really enjoyed his short stories. Dragons isn’t as thick as his other books (haven’t compared font size), so it should be a fairly quick read.

  4. David J. West

    My reading pile went to hell over the summer. I’m still reading but it became a dozen books at the same time and not yet finishing, still working on it, so I hear ya.
    Not to mention moving throws you all out of whack.

    1. Keith

      No kidding. I said when we moved into this house I would move out either when I was wealthy enough to afford a mansion with a huge library or when I was carried out in a box. I was only half joking.


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