Monthly Archives: February 2025

Five Major Print Digests Sold

All five of the major print digest magazines have been sold, according to Amazing Stories. Amaziing Stories is only reporting on Asimov’s, Analog, and F&SF, but the sale also appears to include Hitchcock’s and Ellery Queen.

To quote Amazing Stories:

There’s been a change on the websites for Asimov’s Science Fiction, Analog Science Fiction, Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine and Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine.  The bottom of the page used to list “© 2024 PENNY PUBLICATIONS, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.”.

That same line now reads,  “© 2025 1 PARAGRAPH, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED”.

This same change can be seen on the webpages for the two mystery magazines.

I’ll post further details when I learn them.



Today, as I’m writing this, is February 24. It’s the brithday of August Derleth (1909-1971).

Derleth, along with Donald Wandrei, founded the small press Arkham House, to keep the works of H. P. Lovecrzft in print. Arkham House went on to publish a number of other weird fiction writers,  many of whom published in Weird Tales.

Derleth went on to write some “posthumous collaborations” with Lovecraft by finishing or revising unpublished stories by Lovecraft. He also wrote Lovecraftian pastiche.

These works are controversial among Lovecraft fans, and I’m not going to venture an opinion on them.

Derleth also wrote a number of original short works of macabre and weird fiction. Tot he best fo my knowledge, most of it is out of print. Derleth also wrote historical novels set in Wisconsin. I’ve never read one of them. My understanding is that the are better than average in that genre. Anyone who has read them, pleast share your thoughts in the comments.

Despite the controversies he caused, I think it is safe to say that the face of weird fiction would look very different today if it had not been for Arkham House.



Legendary artist Frank Fazetta (1928-2010) was born today, February 9.

What can I say?

Frank Frazetta was one of the most influential artists of the Twentieth Cneeury. His covers for the Lancer Conan books are iconic.

In addition to Robert E. Howard, Frazetta did covers for Edgar Rice Burroughs, Karl Edward Wagner, Michael Moorcock, John Jakes, Henry Kuttner, Frank Belknap Long, and Lin Carter.

He also did covers for such magazines as Creepy, Vampirella, and National Lampoon.

While his women sometimes display a little more pulchritude than is to my taste, there’s no denying the power of his work.

There are a lot of things that can be said, and I won’t try to repeat them here. I wanted to note his birthday. I’ll raise a glass in his memory shortly. Until then, enjoy some of his work. Continue reading