A Brief Shoutout to Abraham Merritt

Abraham Merritt (1884-1943) was born on this date, January 20. This is just going to be a brief post. I’m working on a tight deadline for an anthology submission, so I’ve not had a chance to read anything by him (or anyone else, for that matter.)

He was once one of the most revered names in fantasy. His influence was such that he was, to the best of my knowledge, the first genre writer to have a fiction magazine named after him. There’s an example of one of the issues on the right. I’d like to get my hands on a copy. That cover looks great.

Hopefully we’ll see a resurgence of interest in the man and his work. He could spin a yarn. I want to reread Dwellers in the Mirage later this year.

I’ve missed a couple of birthday’s lately, such as Brackett and Clark Ashton Smith. Once my writing commitments lighten up, I’ll post something about them.


4 thoughts on “A Brief Shoutout to Abraham Merritt

      1. Keith West Post author

        I read part of it in college over a Christmas break but had to set it aside when classes started. I intend to give it another go at some point.


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