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Kuttner Unkollected: “A God Named Kroo”

$(KGrHqZ,!i4E8VDJi4qGBPHe1IuBYQ~~60_35“A God Named Kroo”
Henry Kuttner
Thrilling Wonder Stories, Winter 1944, p. 13-43

Henry Kuttner was one of the most prolific science fiction and fantasy authors who wrote for the pulps in the 1940s, although he didn’t limit himself to those genres.  The winter 1944 issue of Thrilling Wonder Stories is an example.  He has three stories in this issue.  The one given top billing on cover is what we’ll look at today.  Oddly, the illustration is for a story not listed on the cover, “Venusian Nightmare” by Oscar J. Friend writing as Ford Smith.

The second story of Kuttner’s is “Trophy” as by Scott Morgan.  This wasn’t one of Kuttner’s more common pen names.  I’ll be looking at it on Futures Past and Present in a day or so.  The third story, “Swing Your Lady”, is bylined Kelvin Kent and is part of Kuttner’s Pete Manx series.  Haffner Press is going to reprint this one in a collection of Kuttner’s stories under his Kelvin Kent pseudonym, so I’ll hold off on reviewing that one.

Kroo was once a powerful, if minor, Tibetan deity.  He enjoyed worship, human sacrifices, the whole nine yards.  Now his only follower is a yak that wandered into his temple grounds one night looking for a place to graze.  As you might can guess, this isn’t going to be a serious story.  Kuttner was known for his dry and often sardonic sense of humor, and it’s on display here. Continue reading

Kuttner Unkollected

9630457No, that’s not a typo, it’s a deliberate misspelling.  It’s a weisenheimer attempt at alliteration.

About a decade ago, give or take a year, I had a little extra money from summer teaching.  So did I save the money or invest it wisely?  No, I didn’t.  I decided to try and obtain as many copies of Henry Kuttner stories that had never been reprinted at that time that I didn’t have, along with a few other unreprinted stories by people such as Eric Frank Russell.  Except for some copies of Weird Tales which were out of my price range, I managed to get most everything I didn’t have copies of.  Haffner Press has reprinted the Weird Tales material.  When pursuing a project like this, eBay is not your bank account’s friend an invaluable tool.   Continue reading

Manly Wade Wellman’s Kardios of Atlantis

swords against darkness“Straggler From Atlantis”
Swords Against Darkness
Andrew J. Offutt, ed.
mmpb, Zebra Books, 1977, $1.95

In the late 1970s, Manly Wade Wellman began a series of novelettes about the last survivor of Atlantis, a warrior bard named Kardios. Or at least he began publishing them in the late 1970s. In his introduction to “Straggler from Atlantis”, Adrew Offutt says that Wellman tried to publish them in the 1930s, but some other chap was writing about an Atlantean named Kull at the time and no editor was buying.

Be that at it may, the Kardios stories were published, although to the best of my knowledge, they’ve never been collected in book form. The ISFDB shows a total of five, with the first four appearing in the first four volumes of Swords Against Darkness and the final one in an anthology from DAW books with the generic title of Heroic Fantasy. Continue reading

Report on Howard Days, Part 2: Saturday

Things started a little later on Saturday than they did on Friday.  I slept late (or what passes for late for me), showered, went into Cross Plains, and joined some folks for breakfast.  After some good conversation, I toodled over to the pavilion and hung out there for a while.20150613_092954

The first panel (all panels where held in the library) was another great discussion.  Entitled “A Means to Freedom”, Rusty Burke led the conversation about the correspondence between Lovecraft and Howard.  The general consensus was that it was a good thing the internet wasn’t around in those days, or the two men would never have gotten any fiction written. Continue reading

I am a Man; I’m not a Bot

I couldn’t resist; the muse the Devil Vox Day my medication the Illuminati Tor Books made me write this:

I am a man; I’m not a bot,
Even though that’s what you thought.
You loudly yell that I am racist,
Such a statement has no basis.
That I discriminate by gender,
(For which your evidence is slender.)
And that word you use for “fear”,
I doubt your understanding’s clear.
But the part that’s most offensive,
and should make you apprehensive,
to neo-nazis you compare me,
and I might add, quite unfairly.
And so I’ll take my books by Tor,
And I’ll toss them out the door.

Envisioning the Feminine Future

Feminine FutureThe Feminine Future: Early Science Fiction by Women Writers
Mike Ashley
Dover Thrift Editions
ebook and print both $4.50
Amazon B&N

So in a previous post, I wrote about forgotten women writers from the early days of the science fiction pulps.  While I was reading Partners in Wonder (the book under discussion in that post), I came across a review of The Feminine Future.  Several of the stories in the latter were specifically singled out by Eric Leif Davin in the former.

I immediately picked it up.  It didn’t cover quite the same ground as Partners in Wonder, which looked at women authors in the early pulps.  In other words, the time period it was concerned with began in 1926, when Hugo Gernsback launched the first pulp devoted entirely to science fiction, Amazing Stories.

Science fiction had of course existed long before then, although it was called scientific romance.  (I find it interesting that scientific romances were considered respectable, science fiction was, and at times still is, viewed as trash.)  Mike Ashley doesn’t confine himself to the pulp era.  He gathers stories from women writers going back to the popular fiction magazines of the late 1800s.

Here’s what the book includes: Continue reading

A Review of The Last Great Hero: The Age of Heroes

Last Great HeroThe Last Great Hero:  The Age of Heroes 
Scott J. Robinson
ebook, 184 pages, $2.99 Amazon Smashwords

I’d like to start this review by thanking Scott Robinson for the review copy of The Age of Heroes.  This novel was different from your typical fantasy, and that’s a good thing.  I have to wonder if the fact that the author is from Australia has something to do with that.  The Australian authors I’ve read in the last year or so have been doing some things that I find refreshing and different from what I’ve seen from American and British authors.

Rawk is a hero, the greatest.  He’s 55 years old, and he’s about to find out that it’s time to grow up.  Over the course of a little more than a week, Rawk discovers that maybe being the greatest living hero isn’t such a good thing, especially if he wants to continue the living part. Continue reading

Traveling The Broken Road

The Broken RoadThe Broken Road
T. Frohock
ebook only, $2.99  Kindle Nook

I’d heard good things about this author, and I’ve got a copy of her first novel Miserere, on my ereader. So when I this short novel came out recently (or at least I became aware of it), I bought. I’ve been reading it on my phone in spare moments over the last couple of weeks. (This is not necessarily a practice I recommend, the few weeks thing that is.)

The Broken Road starts out with a fairly standard dark fantasy set-up. Lebhet is undergoing hard times. There’s evidence of a dangerous cult beginning to gain popularity with the common people. Monsters from the world of Heled are coming over, bent on death and destruction.

The nobility, however, are safe in their castle at the top of the hill enjoying their luxuries. The nobility, known as the Chanteuse, are different, you see. They have magical abilities.

Travys and Josue’ are twin sons of the queen. Travys is mute, which is a real handicap in this society, since it is through their voices that the Lahbet work their magic through song. Continue reading

Another Strong Issue of Heroic Fantasy Quarterly

HFQ22The current issue of Heroic Fantasy Quarterly (number 22) has been out for a little while now.  I’ve been reading it here and there when I have a slow few minutes at work.  (The fact that it’s taken me several weeks to finish should tell you how many slow minutes I have.)

Once again, this one is strong.  There are four pieces of fiction here, two long and two short, as well as two poems.  The longer stories are historical fantasy, while the shorter pieces are set in imaginary worlds.

Here’s a quick run down of what you’ll find. Continue reading

Look What I Got in the Mail Today

20141210_131341My reading plans for the evening have just been changed.

If you’re jealous, you can do something about that here.  My copy was 168 of 200.  I don’t know if the Foundation is shipping high number or low numbers first.

But like I said, my reading plans have just changed.