Clark Ashton Smith and the Ballantines

Today, as I’m writing this, it’s January 13. Or to put it another way, it’s the birthday of Clark Ashton Smith (1893-1961). I’ve been on the road since  I got off work  this morning, and only got home about forty-five minutes ago, which is why I’m posting this so late. Most of you probably won’t see it until tomorrow.

I say all that to say that I’ve not had a chance to read anything by Smith today, so I’m going to do something different. I’m going to take a brief look at the four CAS collections Lin Carter put together for the Ballantine Adult Fantasy series. That’s the Ballantine I reference in the title of the post. I’m not going to put “Adult Fantasy” in the title.

As an aside, do you have any idea what comes up if youtype “Ballantine Adult Fantasy” into a search engine? Hint: Don’t try this at work.

Continue reading

Jack London

Today, January 12, is Jack London’s birthday. London (1876-1916) was one of Robert E. Howard’s favorite authors.

I confess, I haven’t read much London. I’m slightly familiar with White Fang and The Call of the Wild because they are so well known.

Of course, decades years ago, I read “To Build a Fire” in one of my high school English classes. I don’t recall which one, nor do I remember much about the story. From what I’ve seen, it’s the obligatory Jack London story to include in high school literature books.

I have read a couple of other Londond stories.

“A Relic of the Pliocene” concerns an encounter with a mammoth. It’s a good adventure story. It’s been quite a while since I read it. I’ll have to give it a reread.

The other story, which I read as a kid and have reread at least once, is “Moon Face”. The details of this one have stuck with me better, maybe because I read it while I was young and the story imprinted itself on my  memory.

One man hates another man. The hated man loves to fish using dynamite. So the man who hates him gets a dog, trains the dog to fetch sticks, then gives the dog to the man he hates. You can probably figure out the rest.

London isn’t a writer you hear a lot about these days. I think that’s a shame, but then I can say the same about a number of writers who have passed from the scene.

I can certainly see how Jack London’s works would have resonated with Robert E. Howard. London’s themes, as I understand them, deal  with man’s survival in a wilderness environment. I have been wantiing to read London, more than the little I have.

So, those of you out there who have read London, what do you reccommend? Where should I start? I’m open to suggestions of short stories or novels.


Jerome Bixby

Image bhy FantArt

Jerome Bixby was born on January 11, 1923. He passed away on April 28, 1998.

Bixby was a short story writer who did most of his work in the 1950s and 1960s. He is best remembered for his short story “It’s a Good Life”, which was filmed as an episode on the original Twilight Zone and starred Billy Mumy.

If Bixby wrote any novels, the ISFDB doesn’t list them.

Four collections of Bixby’s work were published, two in his lifetime, one in 2011, and the final one in 2014. A number of his stories haven’t been collected.

Bixby went on to become a screenwriter and wrote four episodes of the original Star Trek: “Mirror, Mirror”, “The Day of the Dove”,  “Requim for Methusaleh”, and “By Any Other Name”. He also wrote westerns.

In addition to being a writer, Bixby also edited a few pulps before they died. He was editor of Planet Stories (1950=1951)  and Jungle Stories (1949-1951).


One of the things I’ve been wanting to do for a while is read more nonfiction. As I slowly (very slowly) unpack and sort through the library, I’m going to organize the books so that they are actually organized. This will be new and different, but I should have the shelving a space to be able to find things I’m looking for.

At the top of the list is history. While I like history in general, there are some topics/time periods I’m particularly interested in.

First, there’s the history of the science fiction and fantasy fields. I’ve picked up pretty much every book on the field, especially the pulps, that I can get my hands on. There are a few biographies I’ve not read, and the ones I have are on the list to try to get to. Of course, the pulps were much bigger than just sf/f, and anything pulp related tends to make its way to my shelves sooner or later.

When it comes to biographies, I have several about Edgar Allan Poe sitting on the shelves. Will Oliver is finishing up a biography of Robert E. Howard, and it will move to the top of the list as soon as it comes out.

As for historical time periods, ancient history on just about any topic is on the list, with special interest in Scottish, Irish, Welsh, and pre-Norman invasion histories of England. Vikings are a must. I want to know more about Russian history as well as Byzantine. Pre-Revolutionary and Pre-Civil War history, Gilded Age, and the Roaring Twenties are areas of US history I want to dig deepr into, although pretty much anything related to US history will be of interest. Note: If I can remember it, I don’t consider it to be history. That doesn’t mean I won’t read about it. General histories and biographies fall under this category.

True crime is an interest. There have been more books on Jack the Ripper out in recent years than I’ve been able to keep track of. Some I’ve got, and some I’ve missed. Lizzie Borden is another true crime topic of interest, but I don’t see how much new can be written about that case. (And yes, I think she did it even though she was acquited.)

Books on writing are on the list. I’m always open to trying to improve my craft.

Business and leadership and general personal development are areas I read in as well. The business is for writing, because wriiting is a business. I want to one day have enough writiing income to make a living at it. That will take time, and things are changing in the business world. The leadership and professional development are carry-overs from when I was in academia and supervised a few dozen graduate teaching assistants.

Finally, I used to read a lot of religious and spiritual books. I’ve not read much in this genre for a few years and am wanting to get back to it.

What areas do you read in when you read nonfiction?

Getting Back to Tolkien

J. R. R. Tolkien was born on this date, January 3, way back in 1892. I’ve done a number of birthday posts on him, so I’ll not rehash those.

Today, I want to ruminate a bit, if you’ll allow a bit of self-indulgence. Tolkien has been on my mind some lately. I’m not really sure why. It may have something to do with having heard a Led Zeppelin song on the radio the other day, but I don’t think that was it. He was on my mind before that. Continue reading

Remembering David Drake

We lost David Drake a few weeks ago. He was born on September 24, 1945 and passed away on December 10, 2023.

Drake was a legend in the field and he wrote across a variety of sbgenres in both fantasy and science fiction. He was best known as a military science fiction writer, specifically his Hammer’s Slammers series about a team of mercenaries. Continue reading

Entering 2024, With Trepidation

So it’s a new year. We’ll call it 2024, although there are other calendars with different years and different start dates.

This will be a long post, because I’m going to give a recap of last year.  Apologies for repetition, because some of this has been covered in other posts.

2023 Recap

In late 2021, my parents moved from where they were living to a nearby town. I still don’t understand all the reasons. Part of it was to be closer to my brother, who lives there. They had been living on some property my grandparents had bought in the late 60s when they retired. It’s between nine and ten acres in size.

My wife immediately began asking me if we could buy the property. After nearly a year, I finally gave in and said yes. I didn’t want the property to pass out of the family, and it’s the one piece of geography that has been in my life for the entire life.

There were also job reasons coming into play.  The university was building a new scieince building, and I was getting to watch the sausage being made, as the saying goes. There were some decisions made, one in particular, that would make my life much more unpleasant once the building was complete. Add to that the fact that the quality of the student body was declining, and it was time to get out. (I can’t tell those stories.)

My wife got a job at the prison here in the spring. I tendered my resignation effective the last day of August. Most of the move has been completed. There are still a few items of furniture, odds and ends, and boxes of books that need to be moved.

I have a job as postmaster relief at a small rural post office in the mornings and work as needed at a funeral home in the afternoons. To put it another way, I deliver mail in the morning and bodies in the afternoon.

Things have been so hectic that I haven’t gotten much reading done, especially in the last few months. Most of the reading I’ve managed to do has been in the mystery and thriller genres. I have been taking some online writing classes. A large portion of the reading has been assignments for those classes.

I’ve completed several short stories which are either under consideration at some markets or I’ve got some finished that need to be submitted.

2024 Plans

I’m contiinuing to take the writing classes. IThey are of varying length. Some are three weeks long and have a story assignment. Others are six or nine weeks long. One that I started last year and is continuing into this year has to do with business practices for writers. Things are changing in the publishing world in some exciting ways. I’m making some plans that are too prelimnary to be discussed yet, but I’ll you let you know when they are implemented.

One of the writing projects I’ve undertaken is to write an average of 2,024 words per day in 2024. That’s consumable words. Fiction, nonfiction, introductions to books or stories, blog posts. Anything that is for other people to read. Comments on blogs/Facebook/social media won’t count, and neither will emails.

What that means is I expect to do a lot more blogging this year than in the past year or so, since what I’m writing now applies towards today’s word count.

What am I going to write about?

I don’t know yet.

I’m going to cut back on reviewing books by writers who are currently active. If I’m going to ramp up my fiction production, then there’s the possiblity of a conflict of interest. There was a recent situation where an author with her first novel got caught setting up sock puppet accounts on Goodreads and trashing books by other writers she saw as being competition for hers. Her book wasn’t even scheduled to be  published until sometime in May of this year, I think it was.  And some of the books she was trashing were by other debut authors at the same publisher.

I’d just as soon stay away from the possibility of being in a situation that even looks like that. Not that I have any desire to be traditionally published.

What I’ll probably do is ramp up the birthday posts and focus more on older works by writers who have passed on or are no longer writing. C. L. Moore and Robert E. Howard both have birthdays later this month, so I’ll be working on those. I still have that tribute to David Drake to write.

I’ll also provide commentary on anything of significance in the sf/fantasy/horror/mystery fields that catches my eye.

I’ve got enough short stories that I could publish another couple of collections from my inventory. That is a project I’ll be working on this month. The funeral home job is on an as needed basis, so my afternoon schedule is uncertain. That’s when I would be working on writing. Once my wife gets home, she tends to want me to spend  some time with her. And I’m fine with that.

So, that’s the general outlook for 2024 as far as writing goes.

As for other projects, I will be setting up shelves and unpackiing books over the next few weeks. I might provide some pictures. I should be able to put in a garden this spring. It’s dark enough where I live, even with our security lights and the neighbors lights that I can see plenty of stars, so I might take up observational astronomy. I was in charge of a small observatory for a  year while I was in graduate school, and I kind of miss being able to see dark skies. Now I can.

All of this, of course is subject to change if something else catches my interest as well as acts of Murphy.