RIP, Dave Wolverton (1957-2022) and Ron Goulart (1933-2022)

This wasn’t the post I had planned to write today, and it certainly isn’t one I want to write. The fields of fantasy and science fiction have lost two of thier luminaries.

Dave Wolverton, who is probably better know as David Farland, died from head injuries he suffered due to a fall down a set of stairs. Goulart had been hospitalized in December with pneumonia and was suffering from dementia. Both men died on the 14th. Goulart had turned 89 the day before. Continue reading

The 2022 Robert E. Howard Awards Are Open for Nominations!

We are pleased to announce the opening of nominations for the 2022 Robert E. Howard Awards. The Robert E. Howard Foundation has revised the rules and categories for the awards, so please read over the information below. Some categories have changed, and there is a new category for works of fiction. Under the new rules, nominations are due in to the Awards committee by January 31, 2022, with the Awards committee selecting the top nominees in each category for the final ballot by February 15, 2022. The Final ballot will be sent out to all current Robert E. Howard Foundation members (members who have paid dues for the year 2022) for voting on the winners on February 15, 2022. You do not have to currently be a member of the Robert E. Howard Foundation to send in nominees at this stage of the process. All nominees must have the name of the publication for printed works, and the internet address for works available on the internet in the nomination. Only work that was published from Jan. 1, 2021 to Dec. 31, 2021 is eligible to be nominated.

All nominations are to be sent to the following email address:

rehawardsjb ”AT” gmail ”DOT” com (replace the AT and DOT with their corresponding symbols)

Here are the revised awards and requirements for them.


Awards will be given in three categories: Scholarship, Art, and Special Awards. Works for each category may be submitted for consideration and voting. The awards will be announced at the annual Howard Days celebration.

Scholarship Awards

Scholarship Awards are focused principally on original research, biography, literary analysis, and criticism related to Robert E. Howard’s life and work. This includes studies dedicated to media (fiction, poetry, film, comics, etc.) principally concerned with Howard’s characters or work.

The Atlantean—Outstanding Achievement, Book

Requirements: Nonfiction work (print or digital), minimum 50,000 words, substantively devoted to the life and/or work of Robert E. Howard, published in the last calendar year.

Considerations: Reprinted works without significant revisions are not eligible. Award goes to the author or authors.

The Valusian—Outstanding Achievement, Anthology/Collection

Requirements: Nonfiction anthology or collection of essays (print or digital), nonfiction, minimum 50,000 words, substantively devoted to the life and/or work of Robert E. Howard, published in the last calendar year.

Considerations: Reprinted works without significant revisions are not eligible. Award goes to the editor or editors.

The Hyrkanian—Outstanding Achievement, Essay

Requirements: Nonfiction essays (print or digital), no minimum word count, substantively focused on the life and/or work of Robert E. Howard, published in the last calendar year.

Considerations: Short blog posts, news, interviews, reviews, trip reports, and other minor works are not considered. Award goes to the author or authors.

The Cimmerian—Outstanding Achievement, Scholarship (peer-reviewed)

Requirements: Scholarly essays (print or digital), no minimum word count, substantively focused on the life and/or work of Robert E. Howard, published in the last calendar year in a peer-reviewed journal or collection.

Considerations: Can be awarded separately to an essay that appears in a book that wins the Valusian. Award goes to the author or authors.

The Venarium—Emerging Scholar

Requirements: Candidates must have recently begun making significant contributions to Howard scholarship through publications and/or presentations over the past few years.

Considerations: Previous winners are not eligible. Award goes to the individual.

Art Awards

One of the missions of the Robert E. Howard Foundation is to promote Howard’s creative legacy as well as his study. Art awards recognize achievement in creative fields related to Robert E. Howard’s life and work.

The Black Lotus—Outstanding Achievement, Web-based

Requirements: Web-based content (i.e. digital magazine, journals, websites, blogs, podcasts, audiovisual/multimedia presentations, internet sites, etc.), substantively focused on the life and/or work of Robert E. Howard, new content must have been published in the last calendar year.

Considerations: Non-static social media like Facebook and Twitter would not be eligible. Award goes to site owner/administrator.

The Costigan—Literary achievement

Awarded for original creative writing that carries on the spirit and tradition of Robert E. Howard, to better recognize and celebrate his influence on future generations of writers.

Requirements: Fiction (i.e. short fiction, novels, comic books, etc.), in the spirit and tradition of Robert E. Howard, published in the last calendar year.

Considerations: Work must be substantial and original in content; translations and adaptations will not be considered. Award goes to the individual writer or writing team.

The Rankin—Artistic achievement

Requirements: Visual media (painting, comics art & covers, film, etc.), directly related to the depiction of Robert E. Howard’s life, characters, or fictional worlds; published in the last calendar year.

Considerations: Work must be substantial and original in content. Award goes to the individual artist.

Special Awards

Some achievements deserve recognition, but do not fit neatly into easy categories, nor are they likely to be handed out every year. Those who have made some substantial achievement in scholarship or particular contribution to Howard studies, may be eligible for a Crom Award. Those who have made a significant contribution over a long involvement with Howard Studies may be eligible to join the Black Circle. The Select Committee will collect nominations, but these special awards will be voted on privately by the Board of Directors. The winners will be announced at the end of the award program.


The Awards Committee thanks you for your help in recognizing these deserving people.

“Free Dirt” from Beaumont and Bradbury

Today, January 2, is the birthday of Charles Beaumont (1929-1967). Beaumont was one of the writers of the original Twilight Zone. The reason Rod Serling asked Beaumont to write for him can be easily seen in Beaumont’s work.

One of Beaumont’s mentors was Ray Bradbury. Bradbury wrote in the introduction to Best of Beaumont (1982) that he and Beaumont lived in the same part of Los Angeles and used to pass a cemetery that had a sign advertising FREE DIRT. Continue reading

A Look Ahead to 2020Too

I’m not into resolutions much. I’m more of a goals kind of guy.

Here are a few goals. These are mainly being driven by some situations at work, some of which I am not at liberty to discuss in a public forum. By that I mean legally prohibited (personnel issues). Bottom line, I will have put in enough time to be able to retire a year from now. I don’t know that I will want to then, but I want to have the freedom to exercise that option.

So, here are  few that relate to this blog. Continue reading

A Look Back at 2020 Won

2021 wasn’t my favorite year, but it wasn’t the worst I’ve ever experienced. (Those were back in the 90s, and the less said about them, the better.)

Since this blog is a writing, reading, and, to a lesser extent, publishing blog, I’ll confine my comments to things that relate to those topics.

I didn’t get much reading done this past year. I came down with a moderate case of COVID at the beginning of the summer, which took a toll on my stamina over the summer. I didn’t have a lot of energy to do much reading or writing in June or July, and teaching a class the second summer session didn’t help.

Being in academia, the effects of COVID were felt there as well. The spring semester everything was hybrid, and I just have to say, “I HATE ONLINE LABS”. And I’m the one who put them together. Classes were back to full attendance in the fall, but there were other time consuming aspects of the day job, such as two additional committee assignments, a search committee and a building planning committee.

Most of my reading was short fiction, with very few novels. Most of the novels were either older works or independent authors. Among the trad published works, I tended to focus on Poul Anderson, Frank Herbert, and Robert Heinlein, leavened with Isaac Asimov. I tried to work in as much Howard, Brackett, and Kuttner as possible, but I didn’t get as much read as last year.

Writing was pretty much a nonstarter, at least until NaNoWriMo. See this post for further details.

I guess like many people, 2020Won was spent trying to hang on to my sanity and a sense of normality. I’m hoping to change some things, but that will be the topic of tomorrow’s post.


A Cowboy in Carpathia: A Bob Howard Adventure: A Review by John Bullard

As stated in the title, this is a guest review by John Bullard.

A Cowboy in Carpathia
Teel James Glenn
paperback $9.99
ebook $2,99

I found out about this book, A Cowboy in Carpathia: A Bob Howard Adventure by Teel James Glenn, from a post on “The Swords of Robert E. Howard” bulletin board, in the thread on books or stories with Howard as a protagonist (Howard as Protagonist | The Swords of Robert E. Howard ( . It sounded interesting enough to check out, so I bought a copy and read it. I will breakdown my review into two parts: the story on its merits, and how it handles Robert E. Howard. Continue reading

“Christmas Eve at the Dancing Leprechaun” by Keith West and G. Addison Blaine

This is the final piece of fiction I’m going to post, at least for a while, and the last collaboration with Gayle Blaine, also at least for a while. Depending on how these stories are received, there may be more. We had a lot of fun collaborating. Of course Gayle assures me that she is going to be writing and publishing some work that is solely her own.

Right, Gayle?

This one is a bit shorter than the previous story, and not as spooky.

As usual, here’s the link to purchase.

This post is no longer available for free.

“A Sprig of Mistletoe” by Keith West and G. Addison Blaine, Part 2

As promised yesterday, here’s the conclusion of “A Sprig of Mistletoe”, a collaboration by me and my friend Gayle Blaine. This won’t be the last  collaboration between us. We had  so much fun that we’ve decided to make this a semi-regular thing.

We have a much shorter ghost story, one very different in tone, that should go live tomorrow.

You can read the first part here. Or you can purchase the complete story here.

The conclusion of this story has been taken down.

“A Sprig of Mistletoe” by Keith West and G. Addison Blaine

Today’s Christmas ghost story is a little different than the ones I usually focus on.  Let me explain.

Gayle Blaine is a friend and also an aspiring writer who has chosen to write under the name of G. Addison Blaine. What she aspires to write isn’t fantasy, however.  It’s romance, although she isn’t opposed to fantastic elements in her work. She just isn’t at the point where she’s comfortable including those things in what she writes. (I have Gayle’s permission to share this, in case you were wondering.)

So when she approached me to inquire if I would be interested in collaborating, I quickly agreed. We discussed plots and characters, as well as who would write what sections. Then we set to work. I think the result is something neither of us could have produced on our own.

For those who are curious as to who wrote what parts, Gayle focused on the primarily romance parts, meaning the historical portions as well as some of the contemporary sections. I wrote the ghost stuff. Then we each made a pass through the other’s work to make the style more consistent.

The result was a 13,000 word novelette. Because of its length, I’m going to post part of it today and the remainder tomorrow.If you don’t want to wait to read the conclusion, here’s the purchase link.

NOTE: Unlike the other two Christmas ghost stories I posted and the conclusion to this story, I didn’t take the first part of this one down. Call it a sneaky marketing trick. Continue reading