Tag Archives: Robert E. Howard

Remembering Steve Tompkins

Steve Tompkins (b. 1960) passed away on this date, March 23, ten years ago, i.e., 2009. He was a leading scholar in Robert E. Howard studies, but his interests extended beyond Howard to fantasy in general.  He was Managing Editor of the now defunct The Cimmerian blog at the time of his death.  That being the case, I’m sure he influenced me, indirectly if not directly.  I was a regular reader of The Cimmerian in those days, although I didn’t always pay close attention to who wrote what.  It was the closure of The Cimmerian that motivated me to start blogging myself.  I simply couldn’t find anything similar on the web.

I don’t know if I ever met Mr. Tompkins.  I may have at either Howard Days or the 2006 World Fantasy Convention.  Steve was there.  Regardless, his writing lives on as does his memory.  Howard Andrew Jones and Scott Oden have both posted tributes today.

The following are links to some of Steve’s writings (thanks to Deuce Richardson for the links):

All of his TC posts:
 His REHeapa stuff. Scroll WAY down, links on the left:
This thread has transcriptions of several of his intros etc:

Novalyne’s Birthday

Novalyne Price Ellis was born on this day (March 9) in 1908.  She passed away in 1999 on March 30.  Novalyne was the author of One Who Walked Alone, a memoir of her relationship with Robert E. Howard during the last two years of his life.  It was based on her diary.

Novalyne Price moved to Cross Plains to teach English in 1934,  She soon met Robert E. Howard, and a tempestuous relationship started.  They had broken up by the summer of 1936, and Novalyne had left Cross Plains to attend graduate school in Louisiana.  She was there when she got the news of Robert’s death.

She wrote One Who Walked Alone as a rebuttal to L. Sprague de Camp’s biography of Howard, Dark Valley Destiny.  If you’ve not read her book, you should.  It’s one of the main sources of information we have about Bob.

The book was filmed in the mid-1990s and starred Vincent D’Onofrio as Robert and Renee Zellweger as Novalyne.

Musings on Robert E. Howard

Robert E. Howard was born on January 22, 1906.  I’ve been reading through the Conan stories for the series at Black Gate. (The latest post is here.)

I realize a lot of people have favorite Howard characters other than Conan.  Conan was the first Howard I read.  Call it imprinting, but Conan is still my mental template for what a sword and sorcery character is like.  I see more and more things each time I reread one of those stories.

I’m also not into the pastiches very much.  I’m open to reading some, especially some of the ones that will be published this year in the new comics, but to my mind they will never be canonical.  No offense intended to anyone writing them.  I feel the same way about the James Bond books. Continue reading

Imagining the Horrible with Fritz Leiber

Horrible Imaginings
Fritz Leiber
Originally published by Midnight House in a limited edition hardcover of 520 copies, of which 500 were offered for sale
Currently available in ebook from Open Road Media, $4.99

I originally intended to read and review only one or two stories from this collection, but I ended up reading them all.  Once I got started, I couldn’t stop.

This book is a mix of early and late horror stories from Leiber’s career.  Midnight House published four collections of Leiber’s work before shutting its doors.  The Open Road edition contains the original introduction where Pelan mentions his plans to publish an alternate version of “Adept’s Gambit” as a Lovecraftian tale, one that (AFAIK still) has never seen print. Continue reading

Arguments Discussions on the Best Conan Story to Begin at Black Gate

I mentioned a little while back that I was participating in a series of posts at Black Gate on which Conan story is the best.  Bob Byrne, who is heading up this project, announced the launch date (Monday, January 7).  Bob also posted a list of the authors who are contributing to the series.  I’ll not reproduce it here because I don’t want to steal his thunder.  I’ll just say that I’m honored and humbled to be allowed to participate with this group of writers.

I’d also like to think Bob for this opportunity.

Black Friday, Adventures Fantastic Style

Here in the States, the day after Thanksgiving has come to be known as Black Friday.  I’m not sure why it’s called Black Friday. The term in the US was originally used to describe the days two different stock market crashes occurred in the 1800s.  In more modern times, it started out as the official kickoff to the Christmas shopping season and has since mutated into something that is taking over the whole season. It’s when women get up before God (or never go to bed) and drag their husbands to mob scenes where they save $128 by spending $583.  Or something like that.

The whole thing is enough to make one want to run up the Jolly Roger and start lopping off heads.

So here at Adventures Fantastic, we’re going to provide an antidote to all that insanity by observing Black Friday our way.  Robert E. Howard wrote a number of stories involving the concept of “black”.  We’re going to look at some of them.  The following list is by no means complete; it’s just the ones I’ve read in the last few days.  Feel free to add others in the comments.  Also, a number of other authors could be included in this post.  I’ll save them for next year, but feel free to add suggestions in the comments. Continue reading

A Forgotten Pulpster: H. Warner Munn

H. Warner Munn was born on this date, November 5, in 1903.  Munn passed away in 1981.  He is largely forgotten today, but he wrote for Weird Tales.  Near the end of his life, he returned to writing.

Munn is best known for writing a series known as the Merlin saga.  The first two installments, King of the World’s Edge and The Ship From Atlantis were first published   Merlin’s Ring was to have been published in the Ballantine Adult Fantasy series, but the imprint was canceled.  Ballantine still published the book along with its sequel, Merlin’s Godson.  The latter book combined King of the World’s Edge and The Ship From Atlantis.

Neither of these books (Merlin’s Ring and Merlin’s Godson) are currently available in electronic format in English.  My understanding is that there were other books planned in this series, but Munn died before he could write them.  King of the World’s Edge was favorably compared to the works of Robert E. Howard when it was serialized in Weird Tales.

Munn’s other series involved werewolves.  It was also started in Weird Tales.  When he returned to writing, Munn was convinced by Robert Weinberg to write more stories, which Weinberg published.  These are available in electronic format.

I have to confess I’ve not read much of Munn’s work.  I need to correct that.

James Alderdice Gets Fierce

James Alderdice
print $16.99
ebook $4.99

Last summer I highly enjoyed Brutal, the first volume in the Brutal Trilogy.  At the end of July, the second volume went on sale.

Fierce is the type of book too often missing in the fantasy offerings from the mainstream publishers.  It reads at times like it was written by the love child of Robert E. Howard and Karl Edward Wagner.  Although the influences of both can be seen at places, Alderdice very much has his own voice and tells his story on his own terms. Continue reading

Of Editorial Greatness

Earlier today I was reading a post on a site I don’t normally read these days (I was lured by the temptation of a free ebook).  The post made the argument that John Campbell was the greatest editor the science fiction and fantasy fields have seen.

That got me to thinking, which usually gets me in trouble.  I began wondering who would be the greatest editor, greater being defined as having the most impact over time.  The original post didn’t include fantasy other than a passing reference to Unknown.  So I thought I’d throw the question open to anyone who wanted to voice an opinion.  Below is a list I compiled off the top of my head.  I didn’t include any living editors.  If I had, Ellen Datlow would be on it.  My rationale is that the impact of living editors on the can’t be accurately assessed because they are still having an influence and their greatest influences may still be to come.


So in alphabetical order are ten editors.  I’ll provide a brief explanation as to why they have been included.  Some will be quickly eliminated.  Others, not so much. Continue reading

Report on Robert E. Howard Days 2018

This past weekend, Howardians made their annual pilgrimage to Cross Plains. The emphasis this year was on Howard’s fans.

I was afraid the weather was going to be horrendous.  The temperatures were forecast to be around 105F.  Fortunately, things didn’t get that bad, although on Saturday they got close.  The thunderstorms that rolled in Thursday night helped to cool things off.

(l.to r.) Ty Johnston, Jason M. Waltz, your intrepid blogger, David J. West

The highlight of the weekend for me was meeting some folks I’ve been friends with online but not met in person. I knew David J. West was going to be there, but I hadn’t know Jason M. Waltz and Ty Johnston would be attending.  Jason is the editor and publisher of Rogue Blades Entertainment. He’s recently retired and plans to reinvigorate RBE.  Ty is an author who has written some terrific fantasy (start here). They all had a great time and want to come back. These are some great guys who fit right in. (Jason moved to Texas earlier this year, so I expect out paths will cross again soon.)

Indy Cavalier giving his GoH speech.

Friday was the usual day for postal cancellations, hot dog lunch, and panels.  The banquet Friday night was held in the gymnasium of First Baptist Church.  We’d outgrown the Community Center.  The Staghorn Cafe catered the chicken fried steak dinner. As usual, it was delicious. I only spent $15 dollars at the silent auction this year.  For the last few years I’ve been spending less money, probably because I’ve either gotten everything I want or I can’t afford it.  Bill “Indy” Cavalier was the GoH. His speech was entitled “Robert E. Howard Saved My Life”, and was about the impact REH had on his life during some rocky times.

One of the big items of interest this year was the excavation of the cellar.  Jeff Shanks is an archaeologist with the National Park Service. The Howard House in on the National Register of Historic Places, which places it under National Park jurisdiction.  The cellar was excavated earlier this spring.

Jeff Shanks (far center) discusses the excavation of the cellar.

Jeff gave a tour of the cellar, meaning he stood outside the tape along with everyone else and discussed the process of the excavation. The plan as I understand it is to preserve the cellar and try to figure out a way to keep it visible for future visitors. Until that happens, it will be covered back up.  Volunteers filled in the cellar Sunday.  You could see where the pressure from the dirt was causing the walls to begin to curve inward.

The photo on the right shows some of the items recovered from the cellar.  The helmet is a baseball helmet. The jar in the front left still has its content intact. A number of jars were recovered that survived being buried.  Jeff was asking us what we thought.  The most popular response was pinto beans.  I thought it looked more like some type of vegetable soup.  There were some things in the jar that looked to me like corn.  Jeff said they also had jars with peach pits, so he knew whoever had stored the jars had been canning peaches.  The contents of the cellar will be discussed in a report for the Parks Service.  Jeff joked that it will probably be the most read archaeological report from the Service.

Bobby Derie makes a point to Dierk Gunther during the Solomon Kane panel.

This year marked the 90th anniversary of Solomon Kane.  I was eating lunch at the Stag Horn on Friday and missed the birthday cake. But I had a great time with friends old and new and wouldn’t trade it for the cake.  (I didn’t need the sugar anyway.)

(l. to r.) Scott Cupp, James Reasoner, David Hardy, Jason Carney, and Mark Finn discuss what it takes to go From Fan to Pro

The panels, both the fan oriented and the academic papers were good.  I missed part of the Foundation Awards.  I stepped out of the room for a few minutes to return a call from my wife.  Congratulations to the winners.

The barbeque on the grounds of the Howard House was excellent as always. It was followed by the poetry reading. People said goodnight and in many cases goodbye.  The usual informal breakfast was Sunday and the 2018 Howard Days came to a close. From what I understand, it was a success, with a higher than usual attendance.

I’m looking forward to next year.

The Rogue Blades gang displays their invisible blades.