Tag Archives: Mars

Take a Trip with the Outriders

Jay Posey
Angry Robot
UK Print
ISBN: 9780857664501
Format: Medium (B-Format) Paperback
R.R.P.: £8.99
North American Print
ISBN: 9780857664518
Format: Small (Mass-Market) Paperback
R.R.P.: US$7.99 / CAN$9.99
ISBN: 9780857664525
Format: Epub & Mobi
R.R.P.: £5.49 / US$6.99

I’d like to thank Angry Robot Books for the review copy of Outriders.  This is a military science fiction novel that’s a heck of a lot of fun.  Jay Posey is an author I’m going to be keeping an eye on.

The book opens with Lincoln Suh dying.  It’s a controlled death done under the watchful eye of the military.  Suh is going through the final steps to join an elite group of special forces, kind of like the Green Berets in space.  Only he doesn’t make the cut.

Instead he’s offered a position in a more exclusive unit, one that engages in black ops.  If he turns it down, he can go back and be a part of the unit he’d been trying for.  He decides to take the offer.

He doesn’t know what he’s getting into. Continue reading