Tag Archives: nanotechnology

When the Nanos Come Home

The Goliath StoneThe Goliath Stone
Larry Niven and Matthew Joseph Harrington
Tor, mmpb, 367 p., $8.99
ebook Kindle $7.25 (as of this writing) Nook $8.99

Larry Niven has long been one of my favorite writers, since like about 7th grade. Matthew Joseph Harrington is new to me. Together they’ve crafted an entertaining story about nanites sent to an asteroid 25 years prior to the story’s events coming home. While not the best thing I’ve read with Niven’s name on it, The Goliath Stone was fun and enjoyable.

The basic set up is that 25 years ago a company headed by two scientists sent the Briareus mission, which contained a package of nanites, to intercept an Earth Crossing asteroid. Shortly after launch, they lost contact with the mission. Now a larger asteroid is headed back towards Earth. Many believe that the Briareus mission is responsible.

The two men responsible for the Briareus mission, Dr. Toby Glyer and William Conners, are now being hunted by the government. But they still have a few tricks up their sleeves. After all, Conners was given the death sentence for murder and survived the execution. He’s not without his resources. Continue reading